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Roy Rogers, Post Cereals, & the Win-A-Jeep Family Contest

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roy Rogers and Post Cereals had a licensing agreement for an unknown period of time, but it at least covered the period between 1952-1955 (I’m sure the Roy Rogers & Dale Evans archives can better answer the time period question). Together, the entertainer and cereal manufacturer produced a series of TV spots, print ads, and merchandise.

Here’s an example of a Post Cereal Commercial with Roy Rogers, Pat Brady and a hint of Nelly Belle (see many more commercials here):

In 1952 and 1953, Roy Rogers teamed up with Post Cereals to produce a series of 36 pop-out cards about Roy’s epic adventures. View references to the names for the entire list of cards here.


Card #4 “Pat Brady and Hi Jeep, “Nelly Bell”. Of course, the front is actually the same size as the back. See better images here.

Post Cereals also released a series of 3D cards with Roy Rogers, a few that included jeeps, that required the use of 3D glasses. Here are two examples that include jeeps (there are some of these 3D items for sale on eBay).

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And one more off of eBay:


In 1953 Post Cereals joined Roy for a series of pins, one of which included NellyBelle on it.

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1951 ‘Jeep’ Farm Mower Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This mower in this brochure looks like a Newton design. It’s form FS-514100.

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Newton brochure from the late 1940s (See five early mowers here):


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Storks Plows Equipment, Parts and Service

• CATEGORIES: Features, Website This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Matt shared this awesome pic of a Stork FC with a plow taken at the 2019 Great Willys Picnic.


I happened upon the Stork’s Plows website the other day. The company operates out of Bernsville, Pennsylvania. It looks like they carry a wide range of replacement parts for plows and other equipment, though how many vintage parts they have for those items isn’t clear. According to the website’s history page, the company started fixing plows and has a history of jeep support. They also sell some jeep parts on eBay.

Anyone familiar with the company?




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1950 Photo of the Brooklyn Dodgers in Jeep on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve spotted this great photo of Jackie Robinson and the Brooklyn Dodgers piled into a jeep. You only receive the photo, but not the negative.

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“This auction is for one awesome IT’s A BEAUTY !!!! WE DO SHIPPED TO CANADA.. we do COMBINED SHIPPING COST !! 1950 JACKIE ROBINSON – DUKE SNIDER – PEE WEE REESE – CARL FURILLO – ROY CAMPANELLA Brooklyn Dodgers NL Team ” RIDING In A JEEP ” 8×10 TEAM PHOTO ! !!! awesome Made from super negative !!”


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1946 Photo & Caption of Lt. and Mrs. Harry C. Tartt

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I find it rewarding to find the backstories to folks see in the old photos like this. You can read Harry’s full biography here.

This photo published in the Jackson Advocate on June 22, 1946, was taken in Leghorn, Italy, and shows Harry and his wife Orlean together again after being separated during WWII. Born in Mississippi, in 1909, Harry rose to the rank of Major, serving in both WWII and the Korean War. A writer, editor and highly educated man, after spending time in Germany, France, Korea, California, Africa, and other places, he eventually returned to Mississippi, become the first black teacher at the Gulfport High School. He went on to win a variety of awards and was a member of a number of societies. Major Harry C. Tartt passed away in 2008, with Orlean preceding him.



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1973 Busch Beer Commercial with a CJ-5

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1973 Busch Beer commercial includes multiple shots of a post 1972 CJ-5. I don’t remember this commercial, yet it feels oddly familiar.

Here’s the original source: https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/6h440x06f

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Approved Willys Service Sign Toledo, OH $250

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

While the sign reads “approved”, to me this particular sign does not look like Willys approved signage. There are too many signs of slight overspray. Perhaps it was done by a service station owner? I’ve also not seen one with that background color. Anyone seen another like this?




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1951 Tool Bar Implements Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Marked form FS-F514105, this brochure highlights some of the tool bar implements available for jeeps, including the Rotary Lister Planter, the Conventional Moldboard Middle Buster, The Roatry Bottom Middle Buster, the Field Cultivator and the Row Fertilizer Attachment.

Barry Thomas suggests that some or all of these may be ex-newgren items that, following Newgren’s struggles, Willys-Overland began to market and sell under ‘Jeep’. I’m not as versed as some folks on the individual implements, so maybe someone can confirm this?

One thing is clear to me; Willys-Overland did not devote much marketing resources to this sales effort. These brochures are pretty simplistic compared to many other marketing documents of the time. Maybe there was a small team with a tight budget assigned to try to make something happen with this niche of farming and implements?

1951-tool-bar-implents-brochure-pg1-lores Photos 1951-tool-bar-implents-brochure-pg4-lores

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1951 ‘Jeep’ Hydraulic Lift

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Unlike the other brochures in this group of seven, this was the only one-page brochure and it lacked a form number.



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Redilite Stick Lighter Willys/Packard/Mack on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This unusual little lighter is engraved with Willys, Packard, and Mack. Kenneth B. Schleicher ran a dealership out of Lehighton, Pennsylvania, for fifteen years. He passed away in 1984.

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Vintage Redilite Stick Lighter KB Schleicher Mack Willys Packard never used”




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1961 ‘Jeep’ Audiovisual Unit Demonstration Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Chris spotted this wonderful video showing the capabilities of ‘Jeep’ Audiovisual unit. There are lots of great details, including how to use the PTO to power the generator which operates the equipment. So cool! Thanks to Indiana University for preserving this unique film!

If for some reason the video doesn’t work correctly, go here: https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/1r66j7359

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May-June 1958 Salespower

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I can’t imagine that Willys was fielding enough Land Rover questions that the sales department thought it needed to highlight the Jeep’s advantages over it?

1958-05-06-willys-salespower1-lores 1958-05-06-willys-salespower2-lores 1958-05-06-willys-salespower3-lores 1958-05-06-willys-salespower4-lores

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1952 4 Wheel Drive Booklet on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a reasonable price for a circa 1952 4 Wheel Drive Booklet. It appears in pretty good shape. You can see a scan of this here.

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“This is an original 8.25″ x 5.5″ 20-page Willys Motors booklet made for Jeep dealers to help familiarize them with the 4 X 4 features & help sell their vehicles by showing they can go anywhere,anytime,under any conditions.It’s in nice condition with only minor wear on the covers”


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Feb. – Mar. 1958 Willys Salespower

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I do think it’s odd that while the brand ‘Jeep’ dominates much of the consumer facing literature by 1958, the marketing department still uses the ‘Willys’ term. Of course, the company’s name is Willys Motors, but that’s pretty much a legacy name by this time (at least in retrospect).

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1942 Photo of Dutch Airmen in a Slat Grille Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This August 21, 1942, photo in the Nogalas International Newspaper didn’t provide any names, but does make it appear that these airmen are enjoying the ride.


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Runnels-Wiggins Dealer Ads Feb. 1948 – Apr. 1948

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: The March 19, 1948, ad art was later used for this 1949 CJ-3A brochure.

The firm of Caver-Wiggins advertised jeeps for sale in the Pascagoula, Mississippi, Chronicle Star newspaper from July 1946 to November 1947.

In October of 1947, the Caver-Wiggins corporate charter was changed and the firm renamed to Runnels-Wiggins, with Julius Wiggins and Davage Runnels taking control of the entity.

In November of 1947, a week after the final Caver-Wiggins jeep ad, Runnel-Wiggins began advertising jeeps in the Chronicle Star. The ads only appear to last through April of 1948. No additional information appeared in the Chronicle Star about Runnel-Wiggins.

Later that year, in December of 1948, Coast Cities Motor Sales announced its status as a new jeep dealer in Pascagoula and began advertising in the Chronicle Star.

Below are some Runnels-Wiggins ads:

November 14, 1947 The Farm Vehicle That Works 12 Months a Year:


February 06, 1948 Get the Facts and You’ll Get a ‘Jeep’:


February 13, 1948 Winter Chores are Easier with the Universal ‘Jeep’:


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1967 Ramsey Winch and PTO Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This Ramsey brochure highlights some of the different Dana 20 PTO options avaialble.

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January 1958 Willys Salespower

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This issue of the Willys Salespower notes multiple fleet sales citing specific vehicles to specific clients.

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1943 Photo of Sicilian Kids Filling a Jeep on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(09/25/2019) This scene was part of a Signal Corps News Reel, so there may be film of these kids waving on some internet news reel footage somewhere.

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“943 Press Photo Sicilian kids ride American jeep, World War II, Sicily. This is an original press photo. World War II – Sicily. Friendly youngsters crowd themselves into an American jeep, parked on a street in Sicily. Scene is from U.S. Army Signal Corps Newsreel Film. Photo measures 9.25 x 7 inches. Photo is dated 8-10-1943.”




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Caver-Wiggens July 1946 – November 1947

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Just a few updates today…

Jeep dealer Caver-Wiggins began operations in January of 1946 with three people incorporating the company: W. Ed Wiggins, Julius E. Wiggins, and J. B. Caver. Mr. W. Ed Wiggins was President of Pascagoula’s Rotary Club at the time.

The firm of Caver-Wiggins advertised jeeps for sale in the Pascagoula, Mississippi, Chronicle Star newspaper from July 1946 to November 1947. Caver-Wiggins also advertised Crosley automobiles in October of 1946 and Kaiser Frazier vehicles in November of 1946.

In October of 1947, the Caver-Wiggins corporate charter was changed and the firm renamed to Runnels-Wiggins, with Julius Wiggins and Davage Runnels taking control of the entity.

Subsequently, in February of 1948, Runnel-Wiggins became the Chronicle Star’s main jeep advertiser. Runnels-Wiggins ads began in February of 1948, then stopped in April of 1948.

Later, in December of 1948, Coast Cities Motor Sales would supplant Runnels-Wiggins as the main advertiser.

Below are some Caver-Wiggins ads:

July 05, 1946 Get a ‘Jeep’:


July 19, 1946 If you have Tough Jobs … and lots of ’em GET A ‘Jeep’:


March 28, 1947 The Versatile Farm Vehicle: 


April 25, 1947 Speed Up Work with the Vehicle that Does More Jobs:


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Bros Rotary Sno-Flyr Snow Blower

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Originally several different posts, this post aggregates some of the Bros Rotary Sno-Flyr brochures.



This was from circa 1955:

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Testing The Mighty Mite

• CATEGORIES: Features, Mighty Mites, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: These various photos show the early testing of Mighty Mites.

(02/29/2020) This photo appears to show one of the prototype Mighty Mites. It’s hood number (179849) is 3 numbers away from another Mighty Mite (179846) that appeared in the press video at the bottom of this post.

“1954 Sikorsky S-56 Helicopter Backing Jeep into Cargo area … Press Photo”

1954-01-mighty-mite-helicopter1 1954-01-mighty-mite-helicopter2

Here’s the Mighty Mite press video:


Originally Posted May of 2018: The hood and windshield on this jeep are different from the standard Mighty Mite. This may have been an early prototype. See the photo at the bottom for another view of a vehicle that may be one until earlier than the vehicle in the press photo. (the one in the press photo is #179849).

“1954 Press Photo Jeep being loaded into Sikorsky XHR25 helicopter, Connecticut. This is an original press photo. Three loaded jeeps or 26 men can be carried by a new giant helicopter demonstrated at Bridgeport, Connecticut, Monday. The Sikorsky XHR25 is being built in quantity for the armed forces. It has twin engines, retractable landing gear and rotors that fold, making it easy to handle aboard aircraft carriers. It will fly faster than 150 miles an hour. (Aero-Helicopter) Photo measures 10 x 7 inches. Photo is dated 01-19-1954.”

1954-01-19-mighty-mite-prototype1 1954-01-19-mighty-mite-prototype2

This is #197848 (from G503): http://forums.g503.com/viewtopic.php?t=195524



Originally Posted September 2018: Cool, but odd photo, given the roadway behind it. Lots of competing visual angles.

“This is an original press photo. Light enough to be airlifted by helicopter but tough enough to pull through knee deep mud, the mighty mite is to be produced by American Motors Corp. for the military forces. The mighty mite weighs 1,300 pounds less than the jeep and is 43 inches shorter. It is capable of climbing an 87% grade and can do 57 miles an hour on the highway. Its powerful aluminum die cast, air cooled engine enables the vehicle to carry a payload of 500 pounds while towing another 1,000 pounds over rough terrain. United States – Army – Equipment – Vehicles Photo measures 9 x 7.25 inches. Photo is dated 12-05-1954”



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Spring 2020 Dispatcher Magazine Now Available

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The newest issue of the Dispatcher Magazine arrived at my mailbox. It’s another great issue full of vintage jeep info, including a listing for the “world’s oldest jeep touring company” out of Ouray, Colorado, that is for sale (yes, the owner is considering retirement).

However, the article that really snagged me was Bill Norris’ Maverick article (Thank You Bill!). I now finally understand the Maverick Wagon history (1958-1964) and how some Maverick TV show drama resulted in the 1960-1964 ‘Maverick’ wagons not really being Maverick’s anymore, despite having the Maverick pre-fix. It’s also why some folks are pro ‘1958-1959 were the years that the only true Maverick wagons were produced’, while other folks point to the pre-fix in the years 1959-1964 and argue that any wagons that used the pre-fix are actual Maverick wagons.

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1944 Ad with Jeep for Pan Am Oils, Gas, and Lubricants

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This Pan-Am ad was published in the June 04, 1944, issue of the Chronicle Star. The three-column-wide ad was a large one.



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1943 Photo of Jeep in Deep Mud in Italy on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

That’s some muddy muck.

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“1943 Press Photo Front-Bound Yank Jeep Moves Through Ankle Deep Mud in Italy. This is an original press photo. Italy: It’s tough enough to make headway against a well organized German Army, without mother nature too. A front-bound Yank jeep at home on any terrain, has no trouble moving through ankle-deep mud, but the muck did tend to slow it down. Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 11-3-1943.

