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1942 “Save Rubber Check Your Tires Poster” Sold on Ebay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This original poster featuring a Ford GP just sold on eBay yesterday for $177.50.

“Original poster printed by the US Government Printing Office. This poster was professionally mounted on what looks like painters canvas so should be ready for framing. Very good condition with sharp color. Measures approximately 43″ x 30-1/2″.”


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1946-1949 Bike and Jeep Trip from Argentina to Alaska

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This is an extensive update to the 2017 post about Pedro and Carlos Rocasalvo’s 1946-1949 trip from Argentina to Alaska and back.


CREDIT: February 1955 issue of the Willys News. The photo shows Pedro Rocasalvo and some helpers using boards and a railroad track to help the jeep cross a deep gorge. This was part of the return trip to Argentina.

On June 5, 1946, two brothers, 24-year-old Pedro and 19-year-old Carlos Rocasalvo, mounted bicycles at their home in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and began an adventure north. They carried 80lbs of baggage and $100. Their ultimate goal was to reach Fairbanks, Alaska. They expected the trip to last five years. Their father, a clothing goods salesman, was against the trip, but the boys were confident that they’d be okay.


CREDIT: March 16th, 1948, issue the Wilmington Daily Press journal, Wilmington, California.

A budding journalist and photographer, Pedro and his brother supported their trip through serialized and syndicated reports to twenty-six newspapers back in Argentina. The pair planned to film their journey and use their notes and articles to write a book about their adventure.

During their trek to the United States, the pair survived four crossings of the Andes, a “ringside seat at Bolivia’s revolution”, and hacking their way through 300 miles of Colombian Jungle that proved the worst part of their trip. During their 26 days in the jungle, they shot and cooked their own food. In the evenings, the brothers slept in trees, but had to select the trees carefully due to snakes and other animals.

At Colon, Panama, the exhausted boys were diagnosed with Malaria; they were treated for the disease and slept for four days.

Once in the United States, the pair’s lack of English didn’t slow them down. Eventually, after twenty-seven months of riding, they reached Los Angeles, arriving in March of 1948. While in Hollywood, Pedro studied photography at Paramount’s photography school for a month.


CREDIT: Pomona Progress Bulletin, Pomona, California. Pedro and Carlos Rocasalvo receive American Youth Hostel passes.

Soon, they were back on their bikes again, arriving at the YMCA in Portland, Oregon, in June of 1948. There, an interpreter named Celita Dextre, fluent in Spanish and English, was brought in to help the boys tell their story. There may have been some sparks between Pedro and twenty-three-year-old Celita, because she surfaced again later in the trip.


June 17, 1948, issue of the Dayton Herald, Dayton, Ohio.

After additional stops in Seattle and Vancouver, the pair made a hard ride for Fairbanks.

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Old Jeep on the Palmyra Atoll

• CATEGORIES: Features, Library Collections, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These images were located at the Hawaii State Archives, Digital Collections. The front bumper on this jeep was pretty beat up! All photos are from the Palmyra Atoll and include Jean Hobbs and Leslie Fullard. The site was very slow when I was exploring it, so searching is a little tedious.


http://gallery.hawaii.gov/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=36132 Machine shop on Palmyra Atoll, formerly used to service military vehicles. Jean Hobbs in jeep with Leslie Fullard

This second photo includes the front of the jeep and was taken at the local laundry mat.


http://gallery.hawaii.gov/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=36123 Joe Cavahlo, Jean Hobbs and Leslie Fullard-Leo

This third photo was taken at the same laundry:

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1942 Durkee-Atwood Windshield De-Icer / Defroster

• CATEGORIES: Features, Parts This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A friend donated this Durkee-Atwood Windshield De-Icer / Defroster to eWillys. It looks like it was stored well, as everything looks in good shape. It comes in the original metal box. I don’t know anything about these and not sure what the value should be. If anyone’s interested, let me know (d @ deilers.com).


1942-durkee-defroster1 1942-durkee-defroster3

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1949 Movie ‘Come to the Stable’

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


The movie Come to the Stable includes a jeep in the movie and on many posters about the movie. Based on how often a jeep appears on advertising literature, I thought a jeep might have played a prominent role, but after reading a movie synopsis, it doesn’t seem that way. I couldn’t find a full version of the movie online to see for myself, but there is a version on Apple TV (and likely elsewhere).

The movie features a song titled “Through the Long and Sleepless Night“, with a record jacket that includes a jeep image. It was the reason I began researching the movie:


These are posters found online:

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May 1957 Willys News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This issue of Willys News includes a variety of FC-related articles, but also takes a full-page look at the Truth-or-Consquences, New Mexico, 2nd Annual ‘Jeep’ Derby.

Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos

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Bleick “J” Logo Mechanical Pencil

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I bought this off of eBay. I imagine this pencil is from the late 1940s based on the “J” logo. The lead remains nice and snug in the pencil, so it’s still very usable. Thanks to Marty for spotting it!

bleick-j-logo-jeep-dealer-pencil1 bleick-j-logo-jeep-dealer-pencil2

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Unknown Hubs … Anyone Recognize Them?

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I am looking for more information on these hubs. Anyone recognize them?

Austin Smith posted this unusual hub to G503 Facebook. He theorizes they may be a freewheeling hub of some kind, as he can find no way to spin the hubs nor, after disassembling it, did he find any internals to do so.

unknown-hub-austin2 unknown-hub-austin1


This is installed on an Australian jeep. The hubs look similar to a Selectro type, but these have only three nodules around the outside:
selectro-dualmatic-unknown-versionRoger Martin spotted this odd hub on Rick Reilly’s Commando in 2019. This might be a free-wheeling hub:



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Hard Carved Colombian CJ-3B on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I suspect this was made in Colombia. It’s cool piece, but doesn’t come cheap.

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“Wood Hand Crafted Willyz Jeep Coffee Truck – Quindio Colombia Burlap Coffee Bags”





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February 1955 Article Willys Chops Prices

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This February 1955 article highlights how quickly Willys Motors shifted from a jeep and car company to more of a jeep company, chopping the number of automobiles it was selling from 10 in 1954 to only 3 in 1955. According to the article, Wills Motors also appeared most focused on the new CJ-5.

You can view this issue on Google Books or make an offer on this issue at eBay.


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1963 & 1965 Service and Parts News on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m not very familiar with these Jeep Service and Parts news brochures and booklets and don’t know if they are worth the asking prices. Here’s some that I found on eBay.

  1. 1963 Original Jeep Service and Parts News
  4. Vintage 1964 Jeep Service and Parts News
  5. 1965 Original Jeep Service and Parts News, (service bulletin set). There are a total of 7 bulletins ranging from December 1964 through June 1965 and one issue dated April-May 1966
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1954 Willys 4-Wheel Drive Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This great brochure (W-1772) is starting at a low price.

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1958 Ad for L&M Cigarettes w/ CJ-2A on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1958 L&M cigarette ad included a CJ-2A.

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“1958 L&M Filter Cigarettes Smoking Miracle Tip Dam Jeep Vtg Magazine Print Ad”


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2 Different Pepsi Sweepstakes with Surrey as a 1st Prize

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

In May of 1960 there was a Pepsi contest that offered a Pepsi-styled DJ-3A Surrey as the first prize. Subsequently, in July of 1960, there was a second contest, Pepsi’s Sociable Sweepstakes, where another Pepsi-styled DJ-3A Surrey was given away. Learn more about the Pepsi Surreys at the CJ-3B Page.

Contest 1: This ad appeared in the May 05, 1960, issue of the Miami Daily News-Record, Oklahoma. To enter the contest, folks had to fill out and mail in this entry blank, “Pepsi Cola, The ___________ Refreshment”. This was a nearly-full-page ad (this version of the ad shown below is slightly different from the one on the CJ-3B page; it can also be found in this Miami, Oklahoma, newspaper).


This next image demonstrates just how large the ad was:


Contest 2: Two months later, Pepsi announced its Sociable Sweepstakes in July of 1960. The contest was part of Pepsi’s Sociable advertising campaign and it, too, offered a Pepsi-styled DJ-3A Surrey as the first prize. The ad below was published in the July 18, 1960, issue of the Greenville News, Greenville, South Carolina. The ad was another large one, taking up most of the page.


This next image demonstrates just how large the ad was:


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Atlanta to Fairbanks: Delivery of a CJ-3B

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: A story in the July 07, 1954, issue of the Fairbanks Daily New-Miner shares the story of church group’s successful 6,000-mile delivery of a CJ-3B to a Fairbanks pastor named William J. Gordon.

The article also notes the jeep sports an experimental fiberglass hard top is interesting. The roof of the top reminds me of the CJ-5/DJ-3A Koenig manufactured tops, but the doors appear unique.



Original Post November of 2017: The three teens–Peter Calhoun, Richard Perry, and Geno Bogan–delivered a CJ-3B to a bishop in Alaska.

“1954 Press Photo Rev George Murphy & Teens Pray Atlanta to Alaska Jeep Trip. You are bidding on an original press photo of Rev George Murphy & Teens Pray Atlanta to Alaska Jeep Trip. Photo has waving due to too much glue being used to attach the information sheet onto the back of the photo. Photo measures 7.25 x 8.25 inches and is dated 6/24/1954.”



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A Hubber: Easy Engage’s Device For Hub Management

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Marty notes that this is called a “hubber”, a correction from “scubber”.

Barney from Barney’s Jeep Parts shared an image of this Easy Engage device. It’s called a “hubber” (no R) and it’s made of a durable plastic. It’s used to engage certain types of Warn hubs.

He added: “They were a dealership counter accessory on a cardboard display, but were not Kaiser or AMC Jeep. It works perfect if the hubs are properly lubricated or not in a “parking” bind. And, it won’t mar the metal as homemade ones can.”

Scubber-easy-engage-warn-hub-barneys-parts copy

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1961 Kelloggs Aruba Trip and DJ-3A Surrey Contest Prizes

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

In the spring of 1961 Kelloggs offered a contest with prizes that included DJ-3A Surrey Jeeps. At least two of those winners were from California: N. E. Eastmoore, Sr, out of Bowman, California, and Mrs. Maurine Vogel, out of Pasadena, California. A third, Richard P. Varalin, out of Drums, Pennsylvania, is pictured below.



This for quality image of the back of an All-bran cereal box is the only image I have. A better one can be found on the CJ-3B Page, which also provides information about the contest.


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1951 ‘Jeep’ Moldboard Plows Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is the last of the 1951 Farm Jeep / Jeep Tractor Brochures that I have. It’s form FS-514101.




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1964 Ad for the CJ-5 with an Outdoor Recreation Theme

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I find this ad from the June 22, 1964, issue of the Staunton Leader out of Staunton, Virginia, a good early example of a begining move from the jeep as a utility vehicle to it as a vehicle for outdoor recreation. Though the ad still focuses on the jeep as a way to get to these fun endeavors, it wasn’t too much longer before an inflection point where the jeep-journey itself was advertised as fun.

Remember that by 1964, Four Wheeler Magazine had been out for two years, a publication that helped spread the message and the hobby of four wheeling pursuits (clubs, jeeping, modifications, and racing).

Clipping from The News Leader - Newspapers.com

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Bill Barriere’s 1978 Pan American Trip

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE IV: Here’s an another photo form 1978, this time it’s a good closeup of the hood.

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1978-12-03-bill-barriere-expedition-photo-jeep-hood1 1978-12-03-bill-barriere-expedition-photo-jeep-hood2

UPDATE III: Charles Chips — What happened to Bill Barriere, continued (see more info in below updates). (two years after the photo in UPDATE IV) In 1981 Bill launched Charles Chips of Palm Springs, a franchised(?) business that has specialized in home delivery of cookies, pretzels and other snacks in the United States since 1942 


The next week, this photo and caption was published by the Desert Sun in Palm Springs, California. Bill’s adventurer-look was gone, replaced by a more casual-business-looking persona.

UPDATE II: This photo shows Bill on top of the jeep.



Original Post January of 2019 …. UPDATE: Another photo of Bill Barriere and his jeep appeared on eBay (see below). That find sent me once again on the pursuit of the question, “What happened to Bill Barriere’s jeep trip?”. It turns out, he didn’t make it very far. During the early portion of his trip, he crashed into a bridge in the Yukon, which left him with a $7000 repair bill and $1700 tow bill (Yukon to Fairbanks). He decided to abandon the trip idea and, instead, become a mercenary fighter in Nicaragua (and drive his jeep there). Maybe some day I’ll figure out how his life as a mercenary fighter panned out. 

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1951 ‘Jeep’ Earth Moving Equipment Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Did the Newgren Terracing Blade become this blade, then become the Stockland Terracing blade? See the Newgren and Stockland brochures in the next post. This is form FS-514103.


Photos 1951-earth-moving-equipment-pg4-lores

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Newgren and Stockland Brochures for the Terracing Blade

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

To me, it looks like the Newgren terracing blade became the ‘Jeep’ terracing blade (with a minor modification .. angled piece added to the top for strength), which then became the Stockland terracing blade. Thoughts?
newgren-lift-type-terracing-blade1-lores newgren-lift-type-terracing-blade2-lores

Page from the 1951 ‘Jeep’ brochure with the terracing blade:


1955 Stockland terracing blade brochure:


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1960 Ad For Jeep Surreys, Perfect for Business or Pleasure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Jeep Dealer Frank Woods appeared to have high hopes for sales with this advertisement in the March 22, 1960, issue of the Charlotte Observer.


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1970’s Photo CJ-3A in Uruguay Pulling Trailer Ad

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Hugo shared a French documentary about Uruguay that includes a CJ-3A. Below is a still from the video (full video here). The jeep only makes a couple second appearance.

“At the 3:20 mark, this video shows our central and most important avenue. The date of the video is 18 de Julio (18th July), the day our first constitution was approved. The location along the avenue is still possible to recognize by the architecture. Obviouslly everything else changed.

The Willys is pulling an advertisement for the Lottery of the 6th January day of the Three Kings. It is an important hollyday in Uruguay. Today it is comparable to Christmas, regarding the weight of gifts for children.”


On a side note, while doing some brief research for this, I learned that Uruguay has the longest carnival season in the world, as it runs 40 days each year!

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1947 Ad for Marine L-134 Engines

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This ad for Marine versions of the L-134 engine appeared in the October 06, 1947, issue of The Key West Citizen newspaper. As the ad notes, these are the “J1” models, which I take to mean that the serial numbers might start with “J1”?
