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1957? Ramsey Brochures

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These are three separate one-page, two-sided brochures from Ramsey: Bulletin 134, Bulletin 135, and Bulletin 138. The Ramsey 600 R Wire Reclaiming Winch Assembly (page two of Bulletin 135) is a particularly interesting item. I don’t think I’ve run across one of those assemblies on a jeep for sale.

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December 1952 Willys Service News

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

On the yellow sheets following this document are suggestions on how to overcome flat spots during acceleration of the F-head engines.

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Jeep Bench Abington, PA $200

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve shared this jeep-tailgate bench for sale in Pennsylvania.


“EEP tailgate bench. Custom made.
43 1/2 long, 24 3/4 wide and 34 1/2 high
Poly coated. Pick up only. Can help load. $200 cash at pickup”

jeep-bench-pa2 jeep-bench-pa1

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October 1956 Article Introducing the Jeep Dispatcher

• CATEGORIES: DJ-3A, Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This article appeared in the Miami News on October 09, 1956. That seemed a late date for an “introductory” announcement. The article highlighted the low operating cost, the 30,000 mile maintenance guarantee, the four body styles, and the wide range of duties the new jeep could perform.


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Photos From the UTA Digital Collections

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features, Library Collections, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These photos come from the University of Texas at Arlington Digital Archives. You can see a some additional photos with jeeps here: https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/subject/jeep-automobiles

Let’s start with this photo of a Willys MA dash:


Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. 56th Cavalry Brigade war maneuvers. (1941). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20048164 … Brigadier General Walter B. Pyron, of Houston, Texas, commander of the 56th Brigade, shown behind the wheel of a jeep. He is wearing a military uniform and a small brimmed hat. He has his hands on the steering wheel and is looking behind him. Willys MA.

A lineup of Ford GPs:


Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Camp Bowie Army Maneuvers . (1941). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20048968 … The 18th Field Artillery Brigade’s 77th Field Artillery joins in retreating from an attack during a military training exercise at Camp Bowie. The first battalion is lined up for an evacuation, riding on “blitz buggies.” This battalion is from Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The rest of the 77th is stationed at Fort D. A. Russell, Marfa, Texas. The 77th and 142nd infantry are howitzer units of the brigade. Ford GPs.

Good side shot of a Ford GP:

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Camp Bowie Army maneuvers: Lietenant General Walter Krueger with Major General Claude V. Birkhead and others. (1941). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20053219 ... Camp Bowie Army maneuvers. Four military officers and one military personnel are pictured here. Lieutenant General (LIEUT. GEN.) Walter Krueger, seated in the front passenger seat, Third Army Commander, was in the field almost as much as the participating troops. Here he's leaving 36th Division command post after a conference with Major General (Maj. Gen.) Claude V. Birkhead, division commander, standing by the baby jeep. In the rear seat are, foreground, Lieutenant Colonel (Lieut Col.) George R. Barker, Third Army G-3, and Captain (Capt.) R. H. Chard, Krueger's aid. Driver is Private (Pvt.) Harvey Belote. All are dressed in military uniforms. Published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram morning edition, June 15, 1941.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Camp Bowie Army maneuvers: Lietenant General Walter Krueger with Major General Claude V. Birkhead and others. (1941). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20053219 … Camp Bowie Army maneuvers. Four military officers and one military personnel are pictured here. Lieutenant General (LIEUT. GEN.) Walter Krueger, seated in the front passenger seat, Third Army Commander, was in the field almost as much as the participating troops. Here he’s leaving 36th Division command post after a conference with Major General (Maj. Gen.) Claude V. Birkhead, division commander, standing by the baby jeep. In the rear seat are, foreground, Lieutenant Colonel (Lieut Col.) George R. Barker, Third Army G-3, and Captain (Capt.) R. H. Chard, Krueger’s aid. Driver is Private (Pvt.) Harvey Belote. All are dressed in military uniforms. Published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram morning edition, June 15, 1941. Ford GPs.

Here’s an early Slat Grille MB:

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Army Day Maneuvers: Rides in Dixie Jeeps. (1942). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20053248

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Army Day Maneuvers: Rides in Dixie Jeeps. (1942). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20053248 …. Army Day Celebration. Jeep rides were given citizens when the 31st (Dixie) Division held open house here Sunday as part of the observance of Army Day. On this ride at Farrington Field were Alice McDonald (left) and Jaymie Dobbs, both of Fort Worth, Texas. Members of the Service Company, 155th Infantry, in the jeep are, left to right, Corporal (Corp.) J. H. Reeves, Private (Pvt.) Sam Burroughs, Private (Pvt.) Clyde Russell and Private (Pvt.) Hanson Dunegan. The group are riding in a jeep through Farrington Field. Background showing a goal post and stadium bleachers. Published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram evening edition, April 6, 1942. Willys MB Slatgrille.

Post WWII pic:


Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Circle Park School Parent-Teacher Association carnival . (1946). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20058866 … Mr. R. M Baxter is giving a carnival preview ride to 2 pupils of Circle Park Elementary School, Donald Eagle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Eagle and Beverly Jean Burns, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. C. A. Burns. Mr. Baxter will run a jeepney-ride concession at the Circle Park Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association annual carnival. His jeep has a banner of the PTA. Published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram evening edition, October 16, 1946.

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October 1952 Willys Service News

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Page two of this issue highlights what service departments should do when replacing engines in WWII jeeps.

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January 1956 DJ-3A Jeep Dispatcher Introduction

• CATEGORIES: DJ-3A, Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The article suggests that the Jeep Dispatcher only came in three models, with one listed as a “basic model with or without a top”. The marketing department must have decided that the single model with or without a top was better off as two models distinct models.


January 20, 1956, Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph

On the same page as the Dispatcher article was an ad for multiple jeep dealers in the Pittsburgh area. The new ad included the DJ-3A with the fiberglass-reinforced hardtop.


January 20, 1956, Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph

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June 1952 Willys Service News

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This June 1952 issue of Willys Service News is part service news updates and part ‘how to sell services’. This is one of three that was on eBay recently. The other two will get posted over the next few days.

Included with this Willys News are several supplements places, including 1) Suggestions on maintenance updates for vehicles (there were problems with the Aero car demonstration models not running perfectly, but these tips could apply to jeeps); 2) How to improve steering (again, directed at cars); 3) Passenger car door lock issues.

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1956 Jeep Ads in Time Magazine

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These two ads from Time magazine currently on eBay show just how different the company approached advertising in that publication. Unfortunately both are poor quality scans.

This ad was published in the April 02, 1956, issue:


This ad was published in the June 16, 1956, issue:


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1960 Toledo Made Jeep Vehicles Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Given this brochure includes a Surrey, it was likely printed between 1960-1962. This four-page brochure was auctioned on eBay back in 2015. It lacks a form number; it may have been produced by Kaiser Industries rather than Willys Motors.
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Article Highlights Success of Mahindra Roxors

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: In case you missed it, FCA has won the first round of the FCA vs. Mahindra legal case over the jeep-looking Roxor. The court ruled that Mahindra violated FCAs “Trade Dress”, which isn’t a specific trademark or patent, because the Roxor looks so much like a jeep. Mahindra is currently deciding whether to appeal.


This was the second win against Mahindra. The first win came in January when the International Trade Commission agreed with Jeep’s charge that the company was not contractually barred from suing Mahindra for a Trade Dress violation. This freed Jeep up to pursue the recently won lawsuit.



Originally posted September 29, 2019: This article from the Detroit Free Press highlights the successful introduction of Roxors, to the point that the company can’t keep up with demand. Unfortunately for Jeep, there’s some real branding problems, as I’ve seen countless people on Craigslist advertising these as “jeeps”. Moreover, do a Google search for “Jeep ATV” and Roxors pop up on the results page.



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1943 Photos of a ‘Jeep’ Named Squeekie

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A one-of-a-kind ‘jeep’ named Squeekie was built from photos by William Mason in 1942. In 1943, this press photo was taken, then circulated around the country, two of which can be seen below.

Mason worked at Oakland’s Independent Iron Works, Inc. I wasn’t able to uncover too much about Mason, other than he filed a patent for an arc welding machine, on behalf of his employer in October of 1956.

This photo was shared on a vintage photograph Facebook Group by Bob Cunningham. He included the following text, though I’m unaware of where the text originated (maybe based on an original press photo caption?):


Per the Facebook post: “In 1942, William Mason, an iron works superintendent in Oakland, California, used newspaper photographs to create “Squeekie,” his version of the Army’s new wonder car, the “jeep.” Although Mason built the 2-horsepower car for his son, Billy, his wife often used it for ’round-the-town grocery shopping during the days of gas rationing, since it got a thrifty 35 miles per gallon and rolled on unrationed, small sized implement tires. The little “jeep” was once stolen and abandoned in a farmer’s field, and the U.S. Army was notified that one of their prototypes had been found. At the time, most civilians had never seen an actual “jeep,” so the mistake was understandable.”

Here are two newspaper photos and captions:


Published March 13, 1943, in the Oakland Tribune.


Published March 18, 1943, in the La Crosse Tribune, out of La Crosse, Wisconsin.

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1946 Photo of Kids in Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Cropped version of the bottom photo.

This photograph was published in the April 29, 1946, issue of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram. It’s located in the University of Texas at Arlington’s digital archive library.



Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Brooklyn Heights School jeep “test run”. (1946). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery-beta/img/20033476

“Twenty neighborhood children took a “test run” in a jeep to be used for a carnival at Brooklyn Heights School. Driving the jeep is Jack Scott, and sitting beside him is Howard Victry, president of the school Dad’s Club. The children and Mr. Victry are facing the camera and Mr. Victry’s hand is raised. Published in The Fort Worth Star-Telegram Morning Edition April 29, 1946.”

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June 1948 Jeep-Propelled Power-House Ad

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

No information provided on where this June 1948 “Jeep-Propelled Power-House Ad” was published. This seller has other jeep ads and willys ads as well.


“Jeep Propelled Power-House Ad 1948 This is a June 1948 advertisement. It is a nice black and white ad for Willys-Overland Motors of Toledo makers of the Jeep. Pictures the Jeep on the job and it reads, The 4 wheel drive universal Jeep gets to the job and furnishes power to operate industrial equipment. In mint condition. Photo is taken through plastic and may show wrinkles or crookedness that is not in the ad. This magazine tear sheet measures 10 1/2″” wide by 13″” tall”


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1942 Photo of the Fitch Jeep Station Wagon Car

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Unusual • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Marc noted the the rear of the vehicle is based on a Renault Juvaquatre. It just so happens this car is somewhat based on the German Opel, which Wally King used to create his Jeepster-like vehicle in Germany following WWII.

UPDATE:  UndiscoveredClassics.com had some additional insights into this vehicle. I tried to learn more about Captain Richard C. Fitch of the Second Regiment Mechanized Cavalry Reserve, Los Angeles, but didn’t have much luck. I did learn he was a design engineer for the Army and was responsible for the MT Tug design (see below post). Below is a photo of how it looked in a newspaper. 


March 18, 1942, issue of the Sacramento Bee, page 14.


Originally published March 2014:  I wonder what ever happened to this prototype? Marc spotted this unusual photo. The vehicle doesn’t seem very jeep-like, except in its compact design and front clip similarity. It doesn’t appear it was four wheel drive.

1942-03-08-fitch-jeep-wagon-car1 1942-03-08-fitch-jeep-wagon-car2

The image was picked up and published by a couple newspapers. Below are links to Newspaper.com that show a small image of the page. The caption vary slightly:
1. The Amarillo Globe (Amarillo, Texas) March 18th, 1942, on Page 2
2. The Statesville Record and Landmark (Statesville, NC) March 16th, 1942, Page 4

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1942 Press Photo of MT Tug

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This photo of an MT Tug (aka “Super Jeep”) with the Ford GP grille was published March 16, 1942, in the Roseville Press out of California. Richard C. Fitch also designed this Victory Car.



Update Posted on March 2, 2017: Here’s another MT Tug Press Photo. See one sold on eBay in 2014 at the bottom of the post.

“1942- Very rare example of a 6×6 Ford MT Tug “Super Jeep” designed by Captain Richard Fitch of the 2nd Regiment Mechanized Cavalry Reserve. The MT Tug was built in 1941 experimentally for units of the U.S. Army’s Tank Destroyer Command as a light fast vehicle capable of mounting the 37mm anti tank gun..unfortunately series production of this Jeep was not eventually authorized as the gun needed two people to operate it, and the vehicle with gun fitted, could only carry two men so the driver had to act as gunner, which did not make the vehicle a good idea ”



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1950 “Get The Facts, Mr. Farmer!” Ad

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These “Get The Facts, Mr. Farmer!” ads published in 1950 shared the results of the Nebraska Tractor Test of The Universal ‘Jeep’. It was test No. 432.

The ad appeared in the March of 1950 issue of Farm Journal. It measured 8.5″ x 11″.



(Originally Published in July of 2012): This ad was featured in the April 1950 issue of the Country Gentleman. It showed the results of the Nebraska Tractor Test of The Universal ‘Jeep’. It was test No. 432. The same ad appeared in the March 1950 issue of the Farm Journal.  Because Country Gentleman was an oversize magazine, the ad measured approximately 13.75″ x 10.25″:

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CJ-2A Body Storage Rack/Jib Jordan, MN $155

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a good option for storing your tub, whether you buy this one or make your own.


“This storage rack was used to locate/ drill tub attach bolt holes to frame. It also allows storage of tub in vertical position saving garage floor space. Once tub is mounted all body parts fit nicely inside tub or strapped to rack. Worked very well.”

Body-rack-sd2 Body-rack-sd

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May 1951 Jeep-Tractor Farm-Jeep Ad

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This May 1951 AD differs slightly from the April 1951 ad on the CJ-3A page here. So, I’d guess there were at least two version of this ad. The differences are primarily related to minor changes in font sizes and styles, along with a shadow and different tilt of the “Milestones” box on the upper left.


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1959 Hemet De Anza Borrego Cavalcade

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old Images Jeeping, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1959 marked the 11th annual Hemet to Borrego via De Anza trail Cavalcade. That year over 400 vehicles joined the adventure. The author and photographer of the below article, Del Schrader, was transported over the trail via two German DKWs. The article was published in the March 22, 1959, issue of the Los Angeles Times.


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Fire Brigade Trucks From Australia

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, International, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Cool photos. I would guess these were Personnel Carriers converted into fire trucks. However, they may also have been a cab-only chassis as well. The serial numbers would tell us more. You can see a few more photos at the bottom of this CJ-3B page.


“St George Fire Brigade Car 1, July 1962. St George Fire Brigade’s Car 1 converted from a Willys Jeep Truck. The Queensland Government supplied these units to small rural towns in 1961. The chassis were built by Willys Motors Australia Pty in Brisbane and the bodies by Enoggera Motor Body Works.”

This example calls Mattaburra, Australia, home:


Here’s another example. The pic is small.


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The Four Large Speedo Clusters for Universal Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I thought I’d posted this graphic a while ago, but I cannot find it. So, here are four examples of the different large four-speedometer clusters used from 1955-1957 (and later). The transition dates are approximate (I haven’t studied them too closely).

Each of these four appeared in CJ-5s, CJ-6s, and DJ-3As (as documented here https://www.cj3b.info/Siblings/DJDetails/DJ3ASpeedometer.html). According to the CJ-3B page, only the latter two speedometers (the KS 0-9 and the SW 0-9) appeared CJ-3Bs.

The first three were manufactured by King-Seeley, while the last and most common one with the orange coloring was made by Steward Warner. I have seen a 0-9 with an orange needle, but I don’t know if that was a custom styling or not.

The first speedometer shown sits in my early 1956 DJ-3A “Patterson”. The second one was in my 1956 DJ-3A Rusty that I sold last year (only 200 units later than Patterson). The third speedometer was a replacement I bought. The fourth is from an image on the CJ-3B page.



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1953 Postcard of a Delahaye VLR(?) 4×4 Working a Field on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, International, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Probably a rare postcard of a French Delahaye 4×4. It might be a VLR model, but I don’t know these well enough.

View all the information on eBay

“Attention : Collage réalisé il y a +- 15 ans
à partir d’une photo d’un d’article issu d’un Magazine
collé sur un dos de carte postale
8.7 x 14cm”

1953-delahaye-field-postcard1-lores 1953-delahaye-field-postcard2-lores

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1959 Meyer Snow Plow and Dozer Brochures

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This first four-page brochure blends pages two and three into a single, poster like image. It could make for a good poster.

This is a four-page brochure:

1959-meyer-plow-brochure1-lores 1959-meyer-plow-brochure2-3-lores 1959-meyer-plow-brochure4-lores

This is a single sheet, two-sided brochure for Meyer’s Offset Angledozer showing flat fender jeeps:


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1945 Life Magazine Superglue Example

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This photo from the March 05, 1945, issue of Life Magazine shows a jeep being used as a guinea pig for a superglue test.
