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New Steers & More Irrigation

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s been a busy week, hence the lack of updates. Yesterday our new 1000lb+ steers arrived. They are raised about an hour away. We already have one sold, though we’ll raise it over the summer for the new owner. The other should be sold over the next few weeks. We’ll move them to our pasture (from the neighbor’s pasture) in the next day or two.

We now have 2 steers, three cows and four heifers. We’ll be breeding the three cows and one of the heifers. The other three heifers will be sold or slaughtered in the fall.

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Much of the week was spent installing the new irrigation. Part of it was to install two sprinkler heads in front of the guest house, while the other new work involved hunting down the main trunk line of a zone we hadn’t been using because it had broken. Lacking any map of how the six zones of irrigation is spread across 2.5 acres, it took some hunting to finally locate the leak causing the problem. Once that was done, I routed the main line under the walkway and to a central location where it will branch out for watering our blue berry shrubs and six new raised beds. Hopefully, I’ll have all that done later this week.

This first pic shows the run needed to power two sprinkler heads in zone 1.


Zone 1 ends at the corner where Zone 5 sneaks under the sidewalk.


In late 2022 I capped zone 5 after discovering it as part of digging something else (the previous owner used zone 5 with one irrigation sprinkler, which we eliminated. The plan was to repair zone 5, but it took until now to do that. The easiest way was to direct the line north as shown here, then cut west under the sidewalk.


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1965 Work-and-Hobby Horse Ads

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I ran across another of these Work-and Hobby Horse Ads from 1965. It appears to be part of a campaign, but I don’t know how many ads were created. I’ll update this post as I locate others.

This ad is available on eBay and was featured in the Farm Journal Magazine and possibly others:


Here’s one from PINTREST and features a Tux Park IV:


This ad from PINTREST shows off both the CJ-6 and CJ-5 Tux Parks:


This one was made into a metal sign, so it’s not an exact copy of the ad. It’s for sale on eBay:



This was originally published March 06, 2022: Barry Thomas (Farmjeep.com) shared this 1965 ad that shows a CJ-5 being used as an extra farm hand. If anyone happens to have any ads showing a CJ-5 on the farm or with a lift, Barry would be very interested in it.


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Hemmings Article on the 1958 Maverick

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


Hemmings published this somewhat odd article (https://www.hemmings.com/stories/1958-jeep-maverick-special/) about the 1958 Maverick introduction. I use the term “odd”, because of the history that’s included. Let’s consider a few items:

  1. The company company formed in 1953 under Kaiser was called Willys Motors, Inc., not Willys Motor Company.
  2. Yes, W-O produced MBs, then MCs, but I’m pretty sure military production didn’t stop during 1956?? Seems there were some M-170s and M-38A1s produced? And what about the civilian jeeps sold to the military and government?
  3. Besides the military vehicles, I’m pretty sure there were one or two civilian jeeps produced for consumers prior to the introduction of the Maverick Special in 1958.
  4. How is there zero mention that there was an active relationship between the Maverick show, Willys Motors, The Kaiser companies, and the Maverick Special wagon (the late 1950s Jeep News issues certain thought it was a big deal)?
  5. Why was it a slow seller? Was it a lack of 4WD, poor marketing, an underpowered engine, or something else? Why wasn’t the market “ready” for this model?

This kind of feels like it was written by an AI program, then not vetted by an editor. In fact, it kind of feels like a regurgitated version of this news article: http://www.ewillys.com/2016/07/07/the-new-maverick-special/

Hemmings can do better …



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Keith’s FC Dashboard

• CATEGORIES: FC150-FC170-M677, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Keith Mette showed off his new FC dashboard on Facebook. It’s a bit of artistry that I could never build. My biggest concern would be working on things behind the dash (albeit an issue with many vehicles).

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1948ish Monarch Hydraulic Controls Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I’ve added the updated scans. This is actually a nicely illustrated brochure. I don’t think my scans really captured the color. 

Here’s a brochure I’ve never seen that I just purchased on eBay. My guess is it a late 1940s brochure. I’ll update it with better pics when it arrives.

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FC Tour Jeep: Steering Progress

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I haven’t had much time for jeep play, as the property, cows and gardens have required and will require a great deal of my attention over the next week. Next weekend we will be welcoming two additional 1000lb steerings that get slaughtered in August or Sept (hopefully), while our three young heifers need to be moved to the neighbor’s pasture where they will spend the summer bulking up for slaughter (or sale) next fall. And, so much more!

So, there will be limited, if any, updates for the upcoming week. I’d say I’m taking a vacation week, but it won’t be much of a vacation!

As for the steering, I welded the floor notch into the floor cover and welded a shelf to the frame for the heim joint. I still need to drill the holes for each of the shaft couplers, get a stock rubber replacement boot for the Rack and Pinion joint, and paint some of the parts, but otherwise the steering is ready to go. Once I get the stock seat installed, I’ll revisit the height of the steering wheel; I may need to shorten the steering column and shaft by a couple inches. But, that’s an easily done thing after everything is together.


I have a plan for running these brake lines along the interior of the frame (not inside the frame), but I will likely wait to redo them until after I pull the cab. So, these lines will be clamped and more neatly run once the steering is in place.

What you see for the bracket holding the V-dog is a 3/8″ angle piece welded vertically to a 3/8″ thick horizontal angle piece held to the frame by three bolts that were already there. It’s a snug fit, but there’s just enough room to make it work.


You can see some of the welds underneath the frame that need to be cleaned and reworded.


I added a slot to the Heim Joint bracket because without it disassembly would be difficult.


My longer transfercase cable should be here Monday or Tuesday, so the transfercase shifter will be the next install. Once that’s in place, I can install the new gauges and build the new transmission cooler bracket. All that will be followed (or coincide) with the new gas pedal setup based on the late 1960s VW bus. Then comes the e-brake and, finally, the wiring.

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FC Tour Jeep Updates: The 4WD Shifter

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Spring sprang for a few days this week, necessitating mowing, fertilizing, irrigation-de-wintering, and some other projects. but yesterday I got a chance to get a few more things figured out on the FC.

TRANSFERCASE SHIFTER:  I received the 4WD/Hi-Lo Range shifter from JB Customs, out of Salem, Oregon, which builds a variety of transfercase shifters and other products. I had ordered a setup for a NP231, hoping that I could modify it for the NP207. The quick answer is, yes, I was able to install and shift the transfercase, a big win! But, there were a few things I had to address along the way.

This pic shows the shifter, its cable, and the bracket for installing the cable in front of the shifter. The whole unit seems well built.


This is the cover plate for the shifter. You can see the rough black bead of glue(?) around the top edge. I’m not so impressed with this plate, but, for my needs, I will be making a squared off aluminum cover plate anyway, so this isn’t a big deal to me. My custom cover plate same dimensions as the automatic shifter top-piece. Not shown is the knob with the correct shifting pattern on it. However, I also plan to add some indicators on the custom cover-plate showing where 2WD, Neutral, 4WD and 4WD Lo positions are located (in case Ann or someone else is driving).


The first challenge I ran into was the difference between the shifter arm that is on the NP207 (on the left) and the shifter arm that came with the package (on the right). Obviously, there are several discrepancies. Even the “notch” width-size of the new arm was slightly smaller than the one I had. The fact the NP207 arm slot is angled seems an important aspect of the arm, too. So, I ended up lengthening the original by welding a piece of steel to the top[. It will work just fine (I forgot to take a pic of the finished part).


I ran into a problem with one of the transfercase bolts; it is too short, so I will have to go buy a longer 15mm bolt. I also found that the transmission shifter cable was bumping into the transfercase shifter, so I built a custom piece to hold it in place (just a zip tie for test purposes).

Once I got those problems dealt with, I hooked up the shifter, ran the cable underneath the frame, and tested it. The shifter moved the transfercase through its options with ease. This was an important win!

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The final issue I ran into was cable length. I had a choice between a 60″ and 72″ cable. Long story, but I went with the 60″ when I should have ordered the 72″ (which I thought might be way too long). It turns out the 72″, which I ordered today, will work perfectly. 

So, once I get everything in place and tested, I will pull everything apart and add the finishing touches.

STEERING UPDATE: Yesterday, I welded together the bracket to hold the V-Dog steering unit. I also formed a new sheet metal floor cover to span the floor’s access hole and connect with the top of the V-Dog, which will help tie things together.  (I don’t have pics just yet).

MINI-GAUGES:  I mocked up three 1.5″ lift-size mini gauges and also added a test plate for the power switch. Having the gauges in that position helps hid them, but allows me to see them if need be.

IF I got this route, I will make one solid dash plate for the three gauges and the switch, so it looks more like one unit. The gauges would also need to be rotated for easier reading.

The knob below the gauges is a Wildwood brake proportioning valve. I haven’t done anything with that at all yet. I’ll likely replace the aluminum plate, but that’s probably all I will do to it for now (I”m not sure if I really need this or not … I believe it’s this product).


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1973? Welcome Brochure From A.M. General

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The latest date published in this brochure is April of 1973, so my guess is that this was printed in mid-to-late 1973. It covers the history, mission, facilities, models, executive staff and other details. These aren’t he best scans, but they’d work for recording this bit of history.

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Powr Matic 10-Spline 4WD Automatic Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Jeff posted photos of these unusual hubs to Facebook. I’ve never seen a set. It appears they are 10 spline, automatic hubs. The name Powr Matic is stamped in three spots on the hub’s cover. Google searches weren’t any help either. There is a PowrMatic company that specializes in HVAC products, but there’s no evidence that they produced any hubs, though the company was around in the 1950s and 1960s.

So, anyone know anything about these?

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Wooden WW2 Models Muncie, IN $40

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger Martin spotted these models for sale. The price seems reasonable.


“These WW 2 models were made by Bruce Abbott over 80 years ago. Some damage on the trucks but could be fixed, I think all parts are there, except for a wheel off the strobe light.”

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1958 Yakima Ridgerunners Jeep Roadeo Program

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features, Racing • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Adam posted this rare 1958 Yakima Ridgerunners World Championship Jeep Roadeo Program to Facebook. You can view the Facebook post here.

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1946 Berkey Aux Fire Dept Testimonial

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This Fire Department testimonial was initially posted October 28, 2017.

This testimonial included a detailed list of fire jeep specs. 
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Jeepsters and the Sunkist Lady

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Jeepster, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This Jeepster photo is making the rounds on Facebook; this post provides a little more info.


Posted December 24, 2020: This article provides more information about this stunt Jeepster and plane. It was published in the March 20, 1949, issue of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

1949-03-20-fort-worth-star-telegram-jeep-jockey-endurance-jeepster-plane1-lores 1949-03-20-fort-worth-star-telegram-jeep-jockey-endurance-jeepster-plane2-lores


Originally Published Dec 8, 2012:

The Sunkist Lady was an Aeronca 15AC Sedan airplane flown by Dick Riedel and Bill Barris used to set a world-record for endurance flight.  They spent a total of 1008 hours and 2 minutes aboard the airplane, ending their flight in April of 1949. Unfortunately for them, their record was broken six months later.

What makes this relevant for jeep fans was that to keep the plan in the air, the crew used Jeepsters borrowed from local dealers to race down the airport runway so the crew could hand fuel and food to the two pilots.

Thanks to Colin for forwarding the story!

Here is a link to a story and a video about the flight (124 MB): http://www.cityoffullerton.com/depts/airport/the_sunkist_lady.asp

Here is a second article:  http://vintageairphotos.blogspot.com/2012/03/saga-of-sunkist-lady.html. The picture below is from that article.

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Kaiser Jeep Wagonen Tie Clasp & Cuff Links on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

For you Gladiator fans out there, here are some fun items! This seller has some gold CJ-5 cuff links and clasp for sale as well.

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“Willy’s Overland advertising Jeep pickup truck tie clasp pin & cuff links”

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1946 Images of CJ-2A on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

3 of the 5 images in this small photo collection show a CJ-2A with a canvas top taken in 1946. The CJ-2A was new or near new in them.

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“5 Colonel Leck & Willys Jeep CJ Black & White Photos 1943 & 1946”


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1961 IKA Industries Kaiser Argentina Calendar on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Matt spotted this cool, rare calendar from Kaiser’s Argentina arm. Sell will consider offers, but the buy-it-n ow price currently is $349.90, especially given this is coming from Argentina where the exact same item is priced at US$71.20 (61,702 Argentine Pesos).

View all the information on eBay

MEASURES: 58 CM x 42 CM.

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1940s? Matchbook Cover on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This “J” logo with the Willys sign is odd, as the Willys sign is shown moved to the left. Usually, the “J” portion of the logo “hangs” off the Willys logo.

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Roper Post Hole Auger Baldwinsville, NY Make Offer

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Andy spotted this one. Appears to be missing the arms and the driveshaft (1955 brochure)?


“Up for sale is a Roper Post Hole attachment that I believe goes to a Willys Jeep. Was on our property when we bought it, so I don’t know much about it. Auger wiggles at gear box, so believe gear box is free. What you see is what I have. Will sell to the best reasonable offer”

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1947? ‘Jeep’ Station Wagon Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This ad was published in Time Magazine, date unknown, which often published unique ads that I haven’t seen other places. The use of Willys-Overland about the model name suggests to me it might be a 1947 or late 1946. I don’t remember the Jacobsen Manufacturing or its mowers appearing in any other ads.

View all the information on eBay


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Photo of CJ-2A w/ Koenig Hardtop on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Priced at $10 OBO, this is a nice looking CJ-2A. Not obvious date.

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“Beautiful photograph from roadside America. Jeep CJ-2A with full hard top. Super-clean vehicle. Post-war period, photo is undated. Suburban background subject matter. Pic is chemically produced on glossy scalloped-edge photo paper and is a good black and white. Rectangular pic measures 3.5″ x 5.25″ and is in excellent condition.”

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Mexican Monument to First Jeep to the San Javier Mission in Mexico

• CATEGORIES: Features, Monuments/Statues This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Thanks go to Floyd for updating this post about the jeep monument in Loreto, Baja, Mexico. Sadly, it appears this jeep is no longer sitting on the cement pad shown in the pictures from Guillermo De Lara (see at bottom). Instead, it’s sitting in someone’s backyard. Floyd didn’t get a chance to see what’s currently sitting on the pad (if still there) and Google Earth still shows the jeep at that spot.

Here are Floyd’s pics. He was visiting Loreto for 10 days and walked past the jeep multiple times, but didn’t notice it due to the leaves and dark backyard.






Using Google Earth, I screen captured these two pics. So, now we have a better idea of where this was located when sitting on the cement slab of the monument.

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Originally posted September 27, 2019:


I ran across information about the above monument by Guillermo De Lara when he posted it to the Facebook page of Jeep CJ Mexico. There’s more history about this posted to this Baja thread: http://forums.bajanomad.com/viewthread.php?tid=31087. However, according to a book by Ann O’Neil, the actual jeep was a pickup and not an MB/GPW like that pictured. I’ve purchased the book and will update this post with the actual vehicle and the broader story.

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Some Speedometer Gauge Questions

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Just a few updates today. The cows were involved in some shenanigans when I switched around their Hotwire, which dashed my hopes to provide updates. So, blame the cows!

Over the past few days I was able to finally clear out the wiring. I expect the under dash area to be this free of wiring when I’m finished. I also want the dash to be as easily removable as I can make it.

I also removed the gauges and extra wide mirror across the top of the windshield (don’t have a good before-pic). I wanted to free the top of the windshield for some sun visors for those drives into the late evening sun.

Still to be built is a piece the bolts under the dash, wraps around the steering column, and attaches to the other side of the dash. That will be a challenge for me (I think a stock piece might be too small?)!



In my quest to preserve some sense of stock-ness to the cab, I am hoping to learn more about the the stock speedometer’s features as possible. But, I do have some questions.

These questions refer to this Stewart Warner 0-9 speedometer:


  1. MATCHING GAS GAUGE AND SENDER. Given the stock gas gauge reads from 73 ohms empty to 10ohms full, while the Ford tank sender varies from 16 ohms empty to 158 ohms full, I have a great mismatch.  If I want to use the stock gas gauge, which I’d prefer, I could try changing the sender. Or, I could try manipulating the resistance by adding resistors. I don’t want to do either of those things. Instead, I ran across this product called “MeterMatch” by Tanks, Inc.. Anyone familiar with it??
  2. BETTER SPEEDOMETER INDICATOR/WARNING LIGHTS: Has anyone tried replacing the stock indicator lights with LEDs. Or, has anyone tried this kit? https://www.amazon.com/Aero-Lites-Speedometer-LED-Retrofit-Scrambler/dp/B0BVMWLY8C
  3. OIL WARNING LIGHT: Anyone know offhand what the trigger pressure is that sets off the large Stewart Warner Speedometer oil pressure light?
  4. AMP WARNING LIGHT: Anyone know offhand what sets off the AMP warning light?
  5. ENGINE TEMPERATURE GAUGE: Anyone know if these temp/ohm numbers are correct for this gauge?

    Thanks for any help!

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Smokey Bear Jeep Puzzle

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

John shared this puzzle that includes Smokey Bear and, as he also noted, a somewhat inaccurate jeep. Still, looks fun!

I found a used version on eBay, which I bought. There are some others on eBay, but watch the shipping prices! You can buy this new at Cabelas (closest one to us is 2+ hours away) for $29.99 or Amazon for $39.99 or other sellers at varying prices.


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FC Tour Jeep Progress

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

There were lots more internet searches, measurements, and disassembly over the past two days. One of my goals is to have the option to put in an original heater into the heater space, so keeping that area free has been a goal. In keeping with that, I decided to remove the power switch and put it in the spot where the vacuum hub switch was located (Just to the right of the driver’s seat). Meanwhile, the hub vacuum switch is removed and sitting temporarily on the engine; it will eventually go near the transfercase shifter to make it clear they work together.

Here’s where the switches were originally located:


Here’s another diagram. Here I have test-installed the switch, which fills the hole left by the vacuum switch, but sits lower than the vacuum switch. Meanwhile, I’ve mocked up how the transfercase lever should look once it is installed, with an arrow showing approximately where the vacuum switch will land next to the shifter.


Moving the power switch shortens the run from the battery and starter to the switch, it also cleans up the area behind the grille. In addition, when looking through the grill from the front you could see the wiring crossing the tunnel to the bottom of the switch.

Yesterday, I spent time staring up at the tunnel area from the ground, measuring tape in hand, pondering and plotting. I discovered that the water pump fan, used in this case to cool the transmission cooler, will not allow any of the after-market transfercase shifters to fit. Given the fan doesn’t really align all that well with the cooler anyway, I have decided to get a transmission cooler-electric fan combo. I can position in under the tunnel in a way that is more flexible.

So, things seem to be coming together. I still want to find a place for the extra gauges and am pondering a 4-in-1 gauges which will be a more compact and less obtrusive option, but haven’t found one that satisfies the specs.



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May 1980 Cracked Magazine Cover M*A*S*H & Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Barney Goodwin shared this May 1980 issue of Cracked Magazine that features an illustration of M*A*S*H folks riding in a WWII jeep. I was a big fan of Mad Magazine, but don’t remember trying out Cracked.

You can have your own copy, as there are several for sale on eBay. (here is the cheapest I found).
