One of these is a VEC and the other has a column shift with a rear PTO.

“Several old Jeep Willys in various states of poor condition
CJ-2A has decent metal but is a project. Has rear PTO. Engine is free, oil in block. Gear box shifters move freely but transmission shifter does not. Tub needs work but is salvageable. Has original Willys seat, can sell seperate.
CJ-3A has Arctic Top, driver door is off but I have it. Engine is free, oil in block, fluid in radiator. Tub is shot.
One other rolling chassis with engine, also a CJ-3A I believe. There is another CJ-3a with front hood and sheet metal. Has engine but manifold is gone, open to weather likely no good.
Have at least one each Dana 25, 41 and 44 axles, with driveshafts attached that do spin. Three transmissions, two have gear box shifters that slide, gear shifters are seized.
Other miscellaneous parts.
$3000 or best offer for the whole lot. Willing to sell items or Willys separately. I can help load on your trailer with my tractor.”