UPDATE: Price dropped to $5700. The hardtop is unusual.
(10/31/2017) Includes a variety of extra parts.
“This is a well maintained 1946 CJ2A that runs well and is kept in the garage when it is not being driven. Title is clear and Mileage is about 79,000 and climbing since it is usually driven for short trips every week or two during the summer. No front end shimmy. Frame is solid and bumpers are straight. Electrical system is the original 6 volt configuration. All gauges work along with headlights, taillights, blinkers, horn, and dash light. Heater and heater fan work well. The winch was manufactured by Sears and is operated by a hand crank. The body is in decent shape and would be a good candidate to restore. It has a hard top with doors that are easily removed by pushing out the hinge pins and the rear upper gate removes like a storm window. The entire cab can be removed by unscrewing four large wing nuts around the back, and two j-Bolts holding the roof to windshield frame. There is a modified bus seat that fits nicely in the back for more passengers.
Also included are lots of new and used parts such as clutch and pressure plates, clutch rebuild kits (still in WWII packaging), front axels, U-Joints, Carburetor, differential (New still in cosmoline), new in the box sealed beam headlight, starters, tie rods and ends, water pumps and much more….
If responding by email, please put “JEEP” in the subject line so my SPAM filter doesn’t catch it.”

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