UPDATE: Buz reached out to say this is still available. He dropped the price to $550.
Buz is selling this unique windshield frame for the M-38. He has the paper work from the Government and work order to document its origins. Contact Buz Kanzenbach via phone 757 403 9964 or email buzkan @ att.net (remove spaces around the @).
“Split M-38 windshield excellent shape. This is a rare item! Authorized By Order of the Army, The Secretary of The Army. When it was broken during the Korean War it was transferred from a 1 piece two a 2 piece, to save glass. I know of only 2 frames in existence.”
Here are a few others from the archives that might be M-38 split windshields
1) This M-38 appears to have one: http://www.ewillys.com/2010/05/07/year-m-38-mount-vernon-wa-4000/
2) Possibly a modified one(?): http://www.ewillys.com/2014/06/03/1947-cj-2a-lexington-tx-4700/