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The Great Willys Picnic, Show and Swap Meet- June 8th 2025 – Kempton, PA

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


The Great Willys Picnic, Show and Swap Meet- June 8th 2025 – Kempton, PA

It’s time to plan for the 25th annual Great Willys Picnic, Car Show and Swap Meet, the largest Willys event in the Northeast.

The Picnic will be held on the grounds of the Wanamaker, Kempton Southern Railroad located in the scenic village of Kempton, Pennsylvania. 

This is a great setting to display our classic Willys vehicles, as well as entertainment for the entire family. Also on-site is the Schuykill & Lehigh Model Railroad Club’s HO model train display. Please support the Railroad and take the optional train ride for a very reasonable fee.

Tim’s Notes: Last year I was able to attend and it was a wonderful show with some great friends and lots of new folks. I will be back this year, and will try to do some OWF and eWillys stuff. Looking forward this years show!


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2025 Willys Jeep Rally Event – College Corner, OH

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Scott from The Willys Jeep Rally Event Committee sent over the reminder for the 2025 Willys Jeep Rally Event!

If you are in the area and able to attend please add this to your Spring To Do list!



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March 2025 Update

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We really appreciate everyone hanging in there with this transition.

Dave and I spoke today, it was good to catch up and chat.

As mentioned we are still working out the transition and will be back to regular posting real soon.

Spring is here in many parts of the eWillys world. Other spots still are getting some snow, there is always that off chance possibly of a storm here in NJ, but for the most part it won’t hang around that much.


I was able to get the Wagon and Willa Dean out already this year and had a few good drives.

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Please remember there are some really cool upcoming events in the Willys world, if you have time to check one out please do and support your favorite Willys vendor or club sponsors.

I have seen some great giveaways from our Willys key vendors and it’s pretty awesome they can do that, it’s all of you who make that possible by supporting them.

Most of all it’s about getting out and meeting people and seeing old friends and making some new ones!

Willys Only Event Wrightwood, CA

Some great Willys only will be getting together on May 10th, 2025.



32nd Annual Spring WILLYS Jeep Reunion & Swap Meet

Thank you for interest in the 2025 Spring Willys Reunion.

May 16 – 17, 2025

North Canton, Ohio


Epic Willys Adventure

June 5th – 15th, starting and ending in Butler, PA.


The Great Willys Picnic, Show and Swap Meet
Sunday June 8, 2025 from 9 am – 2 pm at the Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern Railroad
I have plans to be at this one, taking the red Wagon, which was at one of the older Picnics when it was held up the road, the previous owner drove it out there, so it’s making another appearance this year and we are excited to be back out there for this one.
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1958? Convertible DJ-3A Alexandria, OH $2300

• CATEGORIES: DJ-3A This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is Dave .. David shared this Convertible DJ-3A. It’s listed as a 1958, but has a King-Seeley 0-8 speedometer, which would make the jeep a 1956 model if original to the jeep. However, this has a curved front bumper, something I didn’t think was introduced until later (perhaps in 1958?).

“1958 willys dj3 dispatch jeep column shift starts runs it’s a project needs brakes fuel tank reinstalled it’s 2 wheel drive has no seats very neat looking jeep flat fender jeep asking”

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Abandoned DJ-3A w/4WD Made to Run Again

• CATEGORIES: Builds, DJ-3A, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

David, a reader from Texas, shared this video of an abandoned jeep made to run again. Called a CJ-3A in the video, it is clear it was was originally a 2WD DJ-3A. Given the Stewart Warner gauge coupled with the lack of a passenger-side heater vent, this is likely a ’58 or ’59 model. The jeep was adapted to 4WD using the axles from a WWII jeep (steering on the front axle; full floaters on the rear). The transmission cross member is likely WWII as well, though it could be from a 2A. I didn’t watch the entirely of the video, but maybe there are more clues (such as T84 vs T90).

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1953 M-38A1 Marfa, TX $3200

• CATEGORIES: M-38A1 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

David’s selling his running 1953 M-38A1 project.

1953-m38a1-marfa-tx7 1953-m38a1-marfa-tx8 1953-m38a1-marfa-tx9

“Pretty intact old Army Jeep. Began life in OD green, shows Navy grey in places, now pale yellow w. Civil Defense markings. (reproduction sticker)

F-134 motor. Rochester carb. Originally 24v electrical. I have switched the coil, distributor and starter to try and get it to run. Jeep sat idle for many years on a ranch south of Marfa. Jeep will fire and idle. Shows decent compression. Runs on fuel in carb bowl or starting fluid but not building oil pressure. Have not tried to run longer until I could determine if it was oiling but not showing on the gauge or…

Please call or message me (via the Facebook link) for more info. I’ve tinkered a lot on this Jeep and can give you a good idea of its condition. Would be a great project, much of its original army stuff is still there. Body in pretty good shape considering. The 24v stuff can go with it if desired. Restore, build a ranch / hunting Jeep or get running as-is. Patina for miles.”

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1947 CJ2A Albuquerque N.M. SOLD

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

SOLD (via Craigslist)

1947 CJ2A Albuquerque N.M.

Ken emailed this over to us, it’s a very nice, clean looking 1947 CJ2A.

Seller’s Description

1947 CJ2A For Sale. Has been converted to 12 volt with electronic ignition but other then that it is original drivetrain.



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Nate’s CJ-5 on Tracks

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Dave here: Nate shared this video of him heading out in the snow to do some maintenance. It looks like that rig is running great and moves really well over the snow. Thanks for taking the time to record it Nate!

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Willys Light & Electric and Auto-Lite

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE V: Thanks to Barry for sharing a recent video made by CruddyCornstalks. he spends time explaining why the engine is unusual and how it works.


UPDATE IV .. Feb 7, 2023: Nate was able to get this running. Check it out.

UPDATE III: See the internals of a Willys Light Plant here

UPDATE II: More pics of Nate’s Willys Light Plant here

UPDATE: There is more history about Miniger and his purchase of John North Willys Stock in 1929 in a 1946 Fortune article.


This postcard is currently listed on eBay.

The other day Nate forwarded me the following images of a Willys home power plant, built by both “Willys Light” and the “Electric Auto-Lite Corporation”. Not knowing much about any of this (and not having the time to source original info from newspapers of the time), I took a break from house painting to venture down internet rabbit holes. What follows is more of a work-in-progress than a finished piece. Hopefully, folks can add or correct the following.

Let’s start with the pics that Nate sent:

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Continue reading

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Thank You Brian aka Metalshaper!

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Brian posted up a farewell video on his metalshaper channel, it was shared on OWF today.

I personally never crossed paths with Brian in person but his videos are a great resource to our Willys community and will be missed.

Thank you Brian for all you have contributed to our small slice of the automotive world. You have helped alot of people over the years.

Good luck with your future endeavors!

If you ever need anything feel free to reach out to us at eWillys!

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RARE 1954 M38A1 Ex-Army Jeep Willys and Ex-Fire Brush Truck CA Titled – $12,500

• CATEGORIES: M-38A1 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

RARE 1954 M38A1 Ex-Army Jeep Willys and Ex-Fire Brush Truck CA Titled – $12,500

“Andy’s Picks”

Brush Truck M38a1


Running, Driving, and current Registration til July 2025 (2025 sticker in envelope still).

Legit Ex-Army Jeep that was decommissioned and mothballed circa 1960 (“Radiator drained”) then some time in the 70’s or 80’s it was turned over to the Forestry Service and converted for use as a Brush Truck. Purchased from them when it was again decommissioned and replaced with more modern equipment and now Titled in CA.

Original Hurricane Motor and manual trans with odometer showing just over 7K miles. Fires up first try every time. Has an 80-gallon water tank and 150′ hose on the back. The original Clinton Engine pump motor on the back RUNS TOO! The original rotor water pump (that is turned by the gas Clinton engine) had corrosion and it wasn’t worth cleaning up straight away so a brand new and identical pump was purchased and is included (original pump also included) but not installed. The pipes will need new seals and we are missing the strainer so a new one will need to be purchased and installed (from a landscaping / irrigation supply store).

My son and I have taken it to a few car shows and cruise nights and it gets A LOT of attention, even when parked next to pristine, restored jeeps. The patina with the original Army Green and (fading) red over top with the original Army stenciling peeking through just cannot be reproduced. We were working to get the pump setup spraying again, but now college is imminent, he / we are finding other things more pressing. Has been a fun Father-Son project, but time to pass it on to someone who will enjoy it.

Lots of people say they would strip out the fire equipment and use it as a Desert Runner… but… well… whoever buys it can do whatever they want to with it. But there’s a whole lot of desert jeeps out there but I can’t say I’ve personally seen any other fire truck jeeps.

Can you drive it home? Uh, sure. But if you aren’t comfortable driving a 70+ year old jeep with no seatbelts, no doors, no power brakes and no power steering and are otherwise unfamiliar with the Jeep “Death Wobble”, I would recommend you either take back roads slowly or you tow it.

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1952 Jeep Willys m38 Miranda, CA $1,800

• CATEGORIES: M-38 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1952 Jeep Willys m38 Miranda, CA $1,800

“Andy’s Picks”

half way between the cj-4 x-98 prototype and an odd bodd


1952 military willys jeep m38 a1, it’s been modified at one time we think it may have been a movie car by the way its done but its neat. I have good spare engine comes with, original one that’s in it sat to long n needs work but I’m sure its probably fixable too. It’s fresh out of a barn, no rust or rot but it’s def been worked. $1800 obo.

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Vintage Willys Jeep weight – Clinton, MO $250

• CATEGORIES: Parts This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Vintage Willys Jeep weight – Clinton, MO $250

“Andy’s Picks”

another cj ag weight


Original front end weight for Willy’s agri- jeep. $250 CALLS ONLY NO TEXTS six six zero- four seven seven- three four four nine. thanks


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Willys Jeep or tractor slab pad counter weight Evart, MI $225

• CATEGORIES: Parts This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Willys Jeep or tractor slab pad counter weight  Evart), MI $225

“Andy’s Picks”

CJ ag weight

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1952 Willys Stake Bed Truck West Plains, MO $14,000

• CATEGORIES: Willys Trucks This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1952 Willys Stake Bed Truck West Plains, MO $14,000

“Andy’s Picks”

Nice original Stakebed

Seller’s Description

This listing is for a very nice 1953 Willys stake bed truck. It has undergone a cosmetic restoration, but the underneath is also in very good condition. It has the F134 engine with the T90 three speed transmission and the Spicer 18 transfer case. The seat has been reupholstered, and the inside has been painted. There was some rust in the floors and the bed pockets, but that has all been replaced with new panels. The lights all work and all the gauges work except the fuel gauge. It starts, runs, and drives as it should. Thanks for your interest.

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• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


“Andy’s Picks”

Pre Willys Kaiser sign. Look at the size of it!


  • Location: Farmingdale, NY 11735
  • Country: United States of America
  • Lot #: M-0054893-DT

Available for auction is a stunning Kaiser porcelain sign from the 1940s, showcasing vibrant blue, red, and yellow colors. This vintage piece measuring 10 ft by 2 ft is stated by the seller to be in good condition, with a natural patina that enhances its nostalgic appeal.

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1945 Jeep MB Spanish Fork, UT $5,500

• CATEGORIES: MB This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1945 Jeep MB Spanish Fork, UT $5,500

“Andy’s Picks”

MB project

Seller’s description

1945 Willy’s mb, motor and transmission have been rebuilt, transfer case and axles have been overhauled, comes with the top and doors, needs Finnish assembly have everything to get this pig up and going! Will make a neat little runner for someone , can get more pictures upon request

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1954 Pickup (kinda) Montrose, CO $4,500

• CATEGORIES: Willys Trucks This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1954 Pickup (kinda) Montrose, CO $4,500

“Andy’s Picks”

find the willys parts

Seller’s Description

Titled as a 1954 Willys Pickup. 4×4 6 cyl manual dump bed RUNS & DRIVES. 12 v system. Not interested in trades. Located in Montrose CO

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1952 Wagon Littleton, CO $11,500

• CATEGORIES: Willys Wagons This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1952 Wagon Littleton, CO $11,500

“Andy’s Picks”

Repowered Wagon

Seller’s Description

Clean title 1952 Willys Overland Manual Transmission with a AMC 232 engine, with a transfer case driven winch. Engine runs. Also have loads of replacement parts that will come with it (replacement doors, glass, hood, front grills, various interior parts). Mileage is exempt on title, true mileage unknown Needs a new brake master cylinder. Needs hand brake pull trouble shooting. Needs Carburetor float work but runs. Needs gas tank drop and clean out. After that good to go and ready to show off. Will need to be towed after purchase.

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1961 Jeep Willys FC150 Canterbury, CT $12,000

• CATEGORIES: FC150-FC170-M677 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1961 Jeep Willys FC150 Canterbury, CT $12,000

“Andy’s Picks”


Seller’s description

1961 Willys Jeep Fc150 truck. 3 speed manual, 4×4. I purchased this truck 10 years ago and began the restoration. 2 owner truck from Middletown RI. Not sure the mileage. The cab and all interior have been restored and painted. Seats are brand new best top replacement seats. I have one extra motor, 2 transmissions. Two rolling chassis, one with a motor and half of a cab for parts. Cherry hardwood boards and metal strapping for the truck bed deck. Fuel tank was sealed with por-15. All parts are there to restore the truck. Truck bed is primed and needs the decking finished. Looking for $12,000. This is rare classic truck. A Real statement. Please reach out if you have any questions or need more photos. Will not respond to “is this still available ”

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1951 eWagon Electric Re-Power St Helena, CA $17,500

• CATEGORIES: Willys Wagons This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1951 eWagon Electric Re-Power St Helena, CA $17,500

“Andy’s Picks”

truly an e-Willys! Plug in electric willys wagon

Seller’s Description

Will no respond to “is it still available” if the ad is up it’s for sale 1951 Willys Overland Wagon Clean title (NOT salvaged) fully registered and insured On a 2002 Chevy S10 2WD chassis with BellTech dropped spindles and springs Full EV conversion Runs and drives well, used as a commuter car, drive to work and plug into a 110v outlet and then drive home and do the same It has about a 50 mile range depending on how you drive and terrain Has regenerative braking So fully serviceable with disc up front and drums in rear Motor is a HPEV AC51 CanEV adapter to S10 5 speed transmission Battery is made up of 54 first gen Nissan Leaf modules for 150 total volts Electric power steering Thunderstruck BMS Zivan charger 110v 20amp Charging port on Willy is an RV 30 amp charging port, to use a heavy duty rv charging cable It retains the S10 trans and clutch – you can unbolt the EV components and easily convert it back The Willys body is very solid with great patina Original vintage CarPac roof rack New windshield and factory green tinted glass all the way around New glass weather stripping all the way around New ABS interior door panels, rear panels and headliner A lot of thread left on tires, new tires on the rear 12 volt heater Electric wiper work, horn, turn signals and lights all work as they should and are fed of a 12v car battery

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Ramsey Rear PTO Gearbox for Implements

• CATEGORIES: Parts This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Ramsey Rear PTO Gearbox for Implements

“Andy’s Picks”

I was unaware Ramsey made a rear PTO gearbox for implements. I thought it was only Spicer… there. I learned something today.




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Original Kelsey Hayes Combat Wheels Rockford, IL $1,300

• CATEGORIES: MB This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Original Kelsey Hayes Combat Wheels Rockford, IL $1,300

“Andy’s Picks”

combat rims and tire package for mb/gpw

Seller’s Description

Original combat wheels and tires… perfect for someone restoring a WWII 1943-45 Willy’s MB or Ford GPW…

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1964 Jeep FC-170 Emporia, KS $38,000

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1964 Jeep FC-170 Emporia, KS $38,000

“Andy’s Picks”

fc-170 restored w front winch

Seller’s description

It’s for sale good running jeep. That’s not the price should know how much soon serious buyers only Motor 226 v6 super hurricane

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1961 Wagon Marianna, AR $4,000

• CATEGORIES: Willys Wagons This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

1961 Wagon Marianna, AR $4,000

“Andy’s Picks”

Wagon with winch

Seller’s Description

Runs and Drives, No Brakes!

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