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Meeting the McKay Brothers

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Left to -right: Me, Todd, Chris’ son Gabe (peeking out from behind Todd), and Chris.

Those of you that follow Chris McKay’s (aka Minnesota Chris on eWillys) on his Vintage Jeep Parts Facebook group know that he and his brother Todd (aka Idaho Todd) swept through Colorado the other day, leaving few rocks unturned in their search for jeep parts. Based on their loaded trailer, I doubt there is much left in Colorado, except maybe some left-threaded lug nuts and a rusty axle or two. After they finished, they beat a path for Todd’s home in northern Idaho. There, they hoped to get a newly acquired Tuxedo Park running.

It occurred to me that having Todd and Chris at the same place made it a great opportunity to meet them both, so we arranged a get-together on Wednesday.

I arrived before noon, just in time to see them trying to get their Tux Park to run. I might not be the best engine guy, but even I could see that they were having success. The evidence was everywhere, especially the fire and smoke coming out of the tail pipes! That’s more progress than I’ve made some days. As they worked on it, they filled me in on the jeep’s back story.


Todd (left) and Chris (right) fiddling with the carb.

Apparently it had been running-when-parked CJ-5 that had been sitting in the driveway since Nixon was in office … okay, maybe that’s an exageration, but it had been a while. Despite its long slumber, the brothers managed to get it running in Colorado just long enough to drive it onto the trailer. Once they got it too Todd’s place, they drained the gas-turned-rusty-varnish and tried to get it running better.

As I looked on, I felt they had everything under control. They even had a plan of action in case the jeep caught fire (push it outside, towards my Grand Cherokee!).

They are certainly men of action! As they worked, I took more of a supervisory role and spent some time with Todd’s father-in-law, a man they affectionally call Dad. He told me stories of jeeping the Pismo sand dunes. He also dispensed some useful tips. For example, after we watched a plastic cup melt from holding gasoline, Dad asked me if I knew that peeing into a foam cup melts it? I did not know that! That bit of wisdom became a running gag between him and I for the remainder of the day.


As we talked, the Tux Park belched more smoke, shot fire, and cleared itself of hairballs. Boy the McKay brothers sure know how to make starting a jeep exciting!

Once we’d had enough fireworks, we decided it was time to eat some lunch. But, before we did, Todd wanted to show off his round-fender collection.


You might notice that these jeeps look quite a bit alike. To help differentiate between them, Todd and Chris use a code. It’s based on the year of the jeep and either the place they bought it or the person they bought it from. This is a useful code, since combined the brothers have bought and sold about eighty jeeps. For example, Chris’ 1959 CJ-3B is called 1959 Ken. This differentiates it 1958 Ken, another CJ-3B that involved a Ken. See how clear that is? Seriously though, what it does for them is provides a story or memory for each jeep. They like their jeeps to have history and each one had its own tale.


After learning about each jeep, we climbed aboard Todd’s 1962 CJ-3B and drove into Sandpoint where we had some great mexican food at Joel’s, a Mexican restaurant.


Dad in the back of the ’62. He bought the 3B in California and ran it for years before handing it to the next generation. You can see the sign for Joel’s in the background.

The restaurant has become especially well know for their poppers, a jalepeno popper fried in a wonton (or wonton-like wrap), then dipped in Joel’s special sauce. It was excellent. Their burritos were also good, too.

As we ate, a random stranger came up to us and asked if one of us owned the CJ-3B outside. Todd said yes, he did. Turned out the guy was a jeep nut, too. He owns a 1951 truck and a later model (60s?) truck. He said he loved the old jeeps. Then he told us about some guy who runs a boat maintenance place outside of town that has a bunch of jeeps. We started laughing, because we realized right away the guy he was talking about Todd. When the guy found out that he was talking with the very man who owned those jeeps, we all had a good laugh. I managed to get a photo of him before he drove off in his work truck.


Top to Bottom Tree Service

After lunch, we drove back to Todd’s business to swap jeeps. From the CJ-3B we upgraded (or downgraded depending on if you are a flattie lover or a round fender lover) to a 1971 Renegade. Then, we left to go meet Todd’s wife and girls. After we arrived and introductions were made, they admitted their relief that I wasn’t a serial killer off the internet. I told them that its not me they had to worry about, it’s my weapons-specialist wife that should concern them. After all, Ann’s uncles told me that if I make her mad, she could blow me up. I don’t make her mad!!

Eventually, we had to say our goodbyes so I could drive back home. Before I did, Todd had me sign his jeep. It might not be as sexy as say signing some groupie’s breast, but then my wife won’t slap me for signing a jeep (or blow me up!). So, I was happy to do it.

2016-08-17-mckay-brothers-sandpoint6 2016-08-17-mckay-brothers-sandpoint8

Todd and Chris were as much fun in person as they are online. We are already discussing getting together again. After all, six hours wasn’t nearly enough time to talk about jeeps!! Thanks guys!


20 Comments on “Meeting the McKay Brothers

  1. Illinois Larry

    I’d like to meet you guys myself sometime. If any of you pass through Illinois, let me know.

  2. Minnesota Chris

    It was such a wonderful time meeting you Dave. When Dave pulled up in his jeep and got out it was like a glow was following him. All excited, Todd and I looked at each other with excitement and said we read ewillys every morning in bed so it’s like we’re all in bed together. That was supposed to show our commitment and appreciation to the website but made Dave blush. He probably didn’t know what he was getting into since we get a little excited about jeeps. We all laughed it off and had a great time. This was another example of how great the jeep community is and the friendships that are created from it. Dave, you’re a genuine and honest guy. Thanks again for all you do.

  3. Marty Tilford

    I think we just found your trade mark to go on the fiberglass jeep parts your going to be making someday 🙂
    Your autograph!!!

    I love the bright green Renegade. It looks awesome!!!

  4. David Eilers Post author

    Chris, that’s very kind of you to say.

    It’s true, Chris and Todd did say all that when I arrived. And, it’s true that I did blush. At that point, I knew I was in for trouble! I should have listened to my mother when she said not to meet people off the internet! 🙂

    Thanks again guys for your time. It was a perfect day for getting to know all of you and exploring Sandpoint by jeep! I’ll bring some fresh sourdough bread the next time we get up there. This is the place in Ketchum I mentioned: I believe most if not all their breads are naturally leavened. You can also get some of their breads at the coop in Meridian or Boise.

  5. Neil Russell

    What a great collection and a nice shop to work in.
    Always enjoy the banter and info I read from the brothers (and our illustrious host as well) and it’s good to be able to put faces with “voices”

  6. doug

    They have certainly made a lot of previously hard to find parts available! I’ve bought a number of things from them.

  7. Joe in Mesa

    Neither Chris nor Todd look old enough to have raced in the 70s! Did “Dad” McKay?
    I was very happy to read this, Dave …and more than a little jealous I couldn’t have been there. So glad you were able to make the trip and share it with us.
    And why didn’t I think to have you sign a jeep? Maybe the 44 MB next time you’re in the Phoenix area? Please? 🙂

  8. Joe in Mesa

    Odd question: what’s the black tarp-like liner on the floor where the “round fenders” park?

  9. Minnesota Chris

    The racing McKays are not related to the best of my knowledge but you never know. That does sound like a lot of fun though.

    Joe- Todd is in the process of building a house and shop and is currently storing his large items at his boat storage business. That plastic acts as a vapor barrier to help control moisture in the building. He’ll be moving boats back in and he’s hoping to move the jeeps into new shop.

  10. David Eilers Post author

    Joe .. It’s a deal! We are doing a “covert” mission down to NM in September (related to Ann’s family), so maybe we’ll have a chance to head west before we head north.

  11. Idaho Todd

    Sending out a huge THANK YOU to Dave for making the trip up to see us. That was so awesome! I’m with my brother, when Dave got out of his jeep, it was like angelic music started to play! What a great day it was. I didn’t want it to end. I’m glad that my father in law also got to hang out with us. After all, that used to be his high hood. When he gave it to me to restore, he said I had better take good care of his daughter or he is taking the jeep back! (So I do my best to work things out…) Taking time to cruise around our little town in a jeep, grabbing some lunch, and talking jeep along the way was a delight. Never enough time. Dave, you are the real deal. Anyone that gets to meet you should feel privileged and it is an honor to be your friend. I know I speak for my brother, that you bring joy and happiness to many with your site. All your hard work and late nights are greatly appreciated. Thank you for the awesome posters and for the t-shirts! Thank you signing my jeep! But most of all, thank you for your precious time spent with me and my family! It means a lot. God bless.

  12. David Eilers Post author


    See, that’s what I try to tell my kids. I try to convince them how much of a privilege it is to spend time with me. But, they just roll their eyes! Kids these days . . . 🙂

    Yes, it was a great day, indeed. I have to say I am relieved. I thought it was just me who hears that angelic music. It keeps following me wherever I go . . .

    I look forward to returning to Sandpoint with Ann so you and the rest of the McKays can meet her. Not only is she a kick, but when she’s around we get excellent parking. I can’t tell you how handy it is to travel with her!

  13. Dan B.

    Todd and Chris – anytime you guys are in San Francisco (or nearby), please let me know. We have a bed and hot food waiting for you.

  14. Ann

    “angelic music”?! Oh boy Idaho Todd, this is really going to make it difficult to live with him for awhile. I understand it’s hard not to get swept up in his awesomeness, but I do what I can to keep him humble. “angelic music” now and forever playing in his head…..I can work with that. 😉

    Love you David.
    _ Ann

  15. brandon corwin

    Chris is the DUDE!!! I cant wait to get a tally on all the “stuff” I need for the 3A that will soon be moving into the garage, i may need to hook the truck and trailer up and go to Minnesota to pick all the stuff up!!!!

  16. Niels Pedersen

    Idaho Todd….

    Curious. Do you know Andy Cooper who is a retired mechanic in your area? How about my buddy who owns the Bottle Bay Marina? His name is Chip Houske. I was just up in McCall, ID last week visiting my brother. I keep my 1961 CJ3B up there. I love Idaho! Regards, Niels

  17. Idaho Todd

    Hello Neils, I’m not familiar with your friend Andy. I’ve only lived here about 8 years, having moved up from southern Idaho. We have a few customers in and out of Bottle Bay but I’ve never met the owner, and I should though. I love the McCall area. It was actually on our list when we were choosing to relocate. ’61 3b? Sounds awesome! Mine was built in Nov of 60, as a ’61 model and then a “retitle” for “62. It would be cool to see if our vin’s were close. If you ever find yourself up this far, I’m always open to talk some jeep!

  18. Idaho Todd

    Ann, I truly hope you and Dave will make it back up for a visit. Plenty to do or nothing to do, whatever your speed. We spoke of going out on the lake in the pontoon and cruising the waters. We could stop at the many restaurants lakeside or bbq something on the boat. As soon as we get our Lake home built, you’ll be able to stay a spell and enjoy life’s simple pleasures with us. Of course, there will be plenty of cooking good food and visiting! See you soon…

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