Anyone know anything about these books? I’ve never run across one.
” Jeepers Jamboree and Jeep Jamboree, Inc, Pub, Georgetown, CA, 1992; 1st edition; SIGNED and dated by the Author. Book Condition; Like new. Dust Jacket Condition; POOR has been torn in half with a piece missing. Is now sandwiched between the pages. Also has a copy of West Coast Willys Newsletter laid in from Sept 1996″
I have the same book, in mint cond. I was on vacation in Lake Tahoe in 1995, and made my wife take a rode trip to Georgetown. Jeepers Jamboree had a storefront there. I purchased the book and a couple of cool tshirts from them. I’ll get some pictures of it later.
I found a couple more on Amazon, though they aren’t first editions: ($75)
I also found a copy of the Jeepers Jamboree I: The First 30 years ($60)