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1942 MB Petaluma, CA $5500

• CATEGORIES: MB This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This MB is a project.

1942-mb-project-petaluma-ca3 1942-mb-project-petaluma-ca4

“With a very heavy heart I have decided to part with my jeep. I did a complete restoration on this jeep back in the late 90’s, had it in several Petaluma Veteran’s Day Parades, and used it as a regular driver for a long time. I drove the hell out of it, so much so that it needed to go through another rebuild. And that is where she is today, in the middle of a rebuild. However, I find that I am at an impasse and I’m just not getting this project done so it’s time to go.

A lot of the work has been done, a lot of work has yet to be done. I have shelves and shelves and boxes and boxes of every piece, part, and component for this little jeep. Everything is there. I’m fifteen hundred or so into the motor rebuild but never did finish that piece of the puzzle. I’ve got so much time and money and sweat and passion put into this jeep; I’ll never be able to recoup a fraction of it but if I can pass it along to someone who will keep its history alive I’ll be satisfied.

When I restored this jeep I replaced most of the body components with aftermarket pieces; so the tub was replaced, as were both fenders. As is common with these vehicles, there is nice mix of original, NOS, and replica parts. Upon completion this is an absolutely correct jeep, whose value will be four times what I’m asking.

Hopefully you know what you’re looking for, I certainly know what I have here. You and I both know you’re getting the better deal on this one. I need this jeep gone, I need the money and I need the garage space. I’m putting the quick sell price of $5500 on for this week and maybe the next. After that the deal is off the table.”


One comment on “1942 MB Petaluma, CA $5500

  1. Steve Norling


    I bought this jeep from you. I hope you get this message because I have some questions I’d like to ask you. Please return your email address or call me at 661-299-5395.

    Thanks, Steve

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