UPDATE: The XM-384 seems to be both a Mutt variant prototype along with the trailer. Leo found these photos that include the Mutt variant with its trailer. He found the photos on G503.
Steve spotted this unique trailer. According to the seller, this is a one-of-a-kind trailer. It was manufactured by Detroit Arsenal and built from aluminum.
“This is the trailer built for experimental Vechicle XM384 1957 (Detroit Arsenal). Its one of one. No others where ever built.”
You find the coolest stuff to post here, Dave. This is outstanding… wonder if it was for additional troop seating? Very lightweight. Airborne prototype, perhaps?
Credit goes to Steve for this one. My searches wouldn’t have discovered it. Yeah, I agree it’s a neat item.
Okay, so what is an XM384?
Google turned up this link to a French-language Web Site with an artists renderings (Scroll most of the way down):
Pasting the French text of the caption into the babelfish.com language translator, and making a few guesstimates on what the somewhat garbled resulting text might actually mean:
“In spite of what the drawings may suggest, this is not a prototype of an M151, but is an experimental vehicle for use on swampy ground or in shallow water. The XM384 prototypes were designed and assembled by Detroit Arsenal. They used all the mechanical elements of the first version of the M151 1/4 ton Ford, but these components were attached to an expanded chassis. The bridge-like tandem chassis allows enough space for eight wheel drive with two separate steerable front axles. The driver sits far forward, with the engine compartment also positioned far forward, and offset to the right side. The front and rear axles are wider than those of the M151. The load capacity is 1 Ton.”
That’s real interesting Joe!
The XM384 was a prototype for driving through wet land. Later the XM384 was made an amphibious vehicle. Too heavy to be air born. I am the trailers owner, the only vintage photo I could find of the trailer is the one shown here.
Thanks for that info. Just need to find the right collector. Someone will want this.
Here is a photo of the XM384 as a amphibious vechicle.
And a photo of the smaller XM408, A small number of these were produced, with at least one being used in Vietnam.