I created a post with a list of wiring schematics, but it was deleted somehow. This page provides a temporarily replacement. I’m sure I had links to where I found these, but I will have to relocate them.
CJ-3A Wiring Diagram
1956 CJ-3B Wiring Diagram
1965 CJ-3B Wiring Diagram
1972 CJ-5 Wiring Diagram
1978 CJ-5 Wiring Diagram
Wireing diagram for a 1956 willys wagon?
1956 willys wagon wire diagram?
Hi Ken,
I tried to email you the following, but the email bounced back:
Hi Ken,
I managed to track down a willys wagon wiring diagram (actually, the
entire manual). This is a PDf posted at the old Willys Forum:
Once you download the PDF you’ll have to scroll to the electrical
section. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
If you get a chance, you might thank the folks over at the old willys forum for scanning
and posting it. Here’s the thread:
Have a Happy New Year!
– Dave
thanks for the link dave however after looking at the wiring in the manual im really confused im pretty new to this stuff but I don’t see any wiring for the blower motor for the heater perhaps im missing something also I don’t have the original key switch for it will that matter if I only have 3 or 4 connection points on the back of the switch kenh6873@gmail.com
dave how do i know what colors the wires are the diagram i got for a L6-226-4×4 is in black and white with no numbers or colors any suggestions would greatly help thank you
I am looking for any Diagrams, description & operation on a 1949 willies jeepster flat 4 overdrive system. Just replaced a bad overdrive solenoid but something else is wrong in combination. Do you have those resources? Thanks for any help!
Hi Mark,
Here’s a list of schematics that includes a couple different Jeepster schematics (near the bottom of the page). However, neither the Jeepster nor the wagon schematics include the overdrive wiring. http://www.jeepsurreygala.com/?page_id=1377
Could this switch need replacing? https://walcks4wd.com/overdrive-kick-down-switch.html
Here’s a break down of the Borg-Warner R-10: https://shop.willysamerica.com/Overdrive-s/1855.htm
Here’s a general look at some problems with the R-10: https://fifthaveinternetgarage.blogspot.com/2015/10/borg-warner-r-10-r-11-tech-tips.html
Here’s one example of a borg Warner overdrive schematic: https://metroroomph.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/borg-warner-overdrive-wiring-diagram-borg-warner-overdrive-wiring-diagram-beautiful-borg-warner-overdrive-hot-rod-network-adorable-wiring-diagram-14m.jpg
Does any of that help?
Schematics for a 1995 Thor Motorcoach class A, 35′, Residency (series). Transfer of ownership, or the building burnt down. Havent found one yet its been 2 years looking. Can you help me. Everything is falling apart. Refridge, lights, ac, and the rats chewed everything under the dash. Please help. Thank you, Phatchanc@gmail.com name larry
Hi Larry,
I only follow Jeep-related schematics here. I’d try one of the Thor related forums like this: https://eastoregon.craigslist.org/cto/d/1949-willys-jeep/6712487490.html
– Dave
Do you happen to have a wiring diagram for a DJ m35u? Mine has the floor lever to actuate the starter. I am desperately trying to find a wiring diagram but not having much luck.
I’m not sure what a DJ m35u is? Could that be a misprint? Is it some kind of DJ-5?
– Dave
I know this is old and no one will probably see it but I have a dj-5 postal jeep that I cannot find the wiring diagram anywhere
Hi James,
What year is your DJ? I’ll see if I can locate something.
– Dave
Good day.
I am in search of a 1956 willys cj5 wiring diagram and cannot seem to find one, if you would know where to get one it would be appreciated.
Hi Mark,
I will email you what I have. Hopefully, it will give you the info you need.
– Dave
Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I got a dj5 from 1975 I really need help, were rewiring this this I need a original wiring diagram I’m muttering through but I can get the stop and charging systems to work
There are some wiring diagrams on eBay for the DJ-5: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324218780929 … I’m sure they are available other places, too.
This site may also have some insights: http://www.postaljeep.net
I hope that info helps,
– Dave
63 Willy’s wagon 230ohc wiring ?
I don’t have that info, but there is a post about it on the oldwillysforum.com: https://www.oldwillysforum.com/forum/index.php?threads/63-wagon-wiring-diagram.16874/
Good luck!
– Dave
Hey im working on a jeep dj5f 78 model for school, do you have any wiring diagrams on that?
Hi Julian,
You can buy one for the DJ-5F on eBay for $15: https://www.ebay.com/itm/324218780929
I used to be able to find manuals like this https://www.autopaper.com/1978-am-general-jeep-model-dj-5f-dispatcher-100-postal-service-shop-manual.php in libraries, so you can try checking with a local library to see if they have one.
Finally, you can contact http://www.postaljeep.net, explain what you are doing, and see if they can send you scan.
Sorry I can’t be more helpful. Best of luck!
– Dave
David Eilers
I’m trying to restore a 1955 cj5 all the wiring has become rat food and is missing. I keep getting mixed information 6 volt not 6 volt. it is still running a generator not an alternator. no battery the rear brake built appears to be 12 volt. I want to restore to original. do you have the wiring diagram?
Hi Benjamin,
I don’t have one offhand. I recommend asking the folks at the earlyCj5.com page. Someone there ought to have one.
– Dave