Echo Yankee 2021 Jeep (My eWillys Rig)
Andrew shared his 2021 Jeep. This is a tribute build.
He shares “ it’s not quite “vintage” yet; I try to emulate the classic military Jeeps.”
Thanks, Andrew for sharing your Jeep!
If you would like to share your rig with us please follow this link and consider sharing a small story and a few memories or pictures, could be an older Willys from your past as well:
Here are the details of this one.
Years Owned
4 years.
Special places visited or memories with your rig?
Performing our “build demonstration” at Toledo Jeep Fest.
The historical modification of my Wrangler is a tribute to the military heritage of Jeep.
Many of the parts are from a WWII Jeep, some were fabricated, and the canvas top was designed / sewn together by my daughter and I.
Future plans are authentic bumpers, tires / wheels, and fenders.
To showcase the modification, my daughter and I perform a “build demonstration”.
Here is a link to our short YouTube video:
It’s nice to see father and daughter Jeep projects and interests. Video is well coordinated.