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Busy Week

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The cooler temps (highs in 70s, lows in 40s) this week means winter is approaching all too fast. Our pasture irrigation will shut down Monday, so we moved cows, slaughtered our 2 steers (with 8 of our neighbor’s steers), so I am flush with beef cheeks, hangar steaks, skirts, tails, and some organ meat (neighbor wanted none of those cuts). I walked away with about 100lbs of extra meat! Our three heifers get slaughtered next month.


We joined lots of other folks who enjoyed the northern lights this week. These are early shots (circa 8pm) as Ann is still navigating life on a knew-trike after having light foot surgery earlier this week, so we didn’t stay out too late.

2024-10-10-night-lights2 2024-10-10-night-lights3

The other day Ann and I talked about how we wanted to remodel part of the shop so we can add a pool table and some other stuff, including a Wurlitzer jukebox. That led to me doing some searches to see what a jukebox would run. It turned out, a local guy was selling off his uncle’s collection of jukeboxes, speakers, and music. This guy’s uncle has so many records, they line the walls of his roughly 60′ shop in multiple rows– immense!

The guy also had 36 jukeboxes. Apparently, he was quite the collector before he passed. Anyway, since I was local and since I mentioned that Rudolph Wurlitzer was my great great grandfather, the guy cut me a heck of a deal on these two jukeboxes. I haven’t had a chance to plug them in yet (figured I’d do ewillys updates first). I know they at least light up, and given what I paid, just that would be enough.


The one on the left is a 2600 from 1962 and the one on the right is a 1500 from 1952.

So, no surprise, not much done on jeeps this past week!


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