UPDATE: This is back up for sale.
“Introducing the Budson! Project custom 1948 Willies Wagon, Chrysler 225 slant 6, 3 speed manual, Dana 18, power brakes. Runs pretty good, moves around the yard, needs wheel cylinders before it could be on the road, shoes looked good. Good tires on 15in rims, new battery and fuel pump. Got it in trade a bit ago, and I just can’t seem myself ever wheeling it like I want to. Needs some work, but I don’t think it would take much to get it on the road. If you look up “Willies Budson”, you can find an old post about it detailing a bit more about all the pieces it has. Clean title in hand, located in Lebanon, OR. $6500, or maybe a partial trade for a street legal dual sport motorcycle like a Yamaha TW200 or a Jeep J-pickup.”
From January, 2011: **SOLD** Was $3500.
“Started life as a 1948 Willy Overland Jeep. Dash-windshield- hood from 1949 or ’50 Studebaker Champion. Hood ornament from a 1956 Plymouth. Side ports off a Buick. Seat newly recovered. Asking $3500 or best offer. Does run. Buyer will have to come get it.”
WHAT???? And WHY????
What: Because?
Why: Why Not?
Wonder how many beers it took to envision this …
I think it’s a riot…very cool too
Imagine if you put that much effort in to fixing it up stock. It would be better than new
I think this is a record for the longest time I’ve spent staring at a ewillys post!
FYI: I forgot to change the old “SOLD” update to the current price. The current price is $3495.
I can see the Studebaker parts in the hood, slanted windshield, and doors, the dashboard. The headlights are Stude. Behind the doors is a mystery, but the side windows, seats and floorboard wood are Willys wagon units as are the rear tailgate and windows. The grille and front fenders are CJ5 with modifications. What chassis is under it and where did that slant six come into play? I think a lot of Olympia beer was consumed during the planning and construction of this unique vehicle!
There are rednecks in Oregon! Functional hood scoops, vented to??? Cool his ‘Jetson’s’ no doubt. Kudos.
Don’t knock it, till you’ve tried it. I’m gonna guess that’s grafted on an ol Crosley or Anglia wagon.
Bingo … I’m pretty sure rednecks dot the globe!
I have to admit I’ve searched for hours to find information on this unique car. I’ve been modding rat rods for many years, this is one cool ride. I have to admit it looked even cooler in person. and im the new owner…….. yaaaa buddy. cars aren’t meant to be a purist version. unless you want to goto a car show with 20 more just like your next to you. I look forward to adding more unique styling to this.
the more information anyone can give me to add to my car show plaque the better.
thanks in advance for your help.
Joe B, that’s a hilarious SNL clip! And so true about this build
AND, it is SOLD again! …FaceBook message, “This Item Isn’t Available Anymore
It has been sold. Take a look at these similar items below.”
Roger, thanks for the update. I too like these oddball kinds of creations. Have fun with this build! I’ve updated the post.
– Dave
thanks I remember when snl did that skit. im a huge steve martin fan. and that’s exactly how ive seen and wanted others to view every car I ever built and sold.
and hopefully I can add my touches to this build and who knows what shadows lurkkk
I hope I can find even more history on this build as well, time to go scrub the net.
Just curious Roger; Ad says 3 speed, but I don’t see any clutch pedal. Is it lurkkking in the shadows of the dash? & WTFrance is that lever on the steering column fer?!
Reminds me of a 1938 Minneapolis Moline UDLX Comfortractor.
I was drawn to the way this truck looked from the beginning. as ive been a fan of older American cars since I was a kid. im finding out a bit more each time I look at it then I sceam out B I N G OOOOOO THERE IS ACTUALLY A CLUTCH PEDAL BUT CANT SEE IN PISTURES. AND THAY LEVER ON THE COLUM IS AN OLD BRAKING SYSTEM FROM WHAT IVE BEEN TOLD.,
ooops sorry for all caps im going blind if you all cant tell.. each piece added from other makes an models makes this a piece of Americana or a meat puzzle. depends on whose eyes are looking at the time.
Me Too! I’ve been assaulted by the vintage tin bug as well. Recently, I went to a (scarce) junk yard, trying to find a part for a Jap car. I was lost…..They all look alike……no soul anymore.
Even tho’ y’all spell lurk w/3k’s, I’m gonna say you & yer car’s got soul.
Sorry Dave….didn’t mean to use yer site like a CB radio!
No apologies necessary Bingo!
hey guys just an update, the hood scoops are functional. they actually are caps to two ducts that are on the firewall on each side and feed into the heater box system in the inside firewall. ill post up more tidbits as I did into it. the dash in the car came out of a 48 Studebaker champion which is where the hood came from also. the builder did a great job of grafting the jeep grill to fit the contour of the hood that was used and chopped from the Studebaker champion as well.
Roger, thanks for the update. Great detective work so far!
If you everr take the transmission out to work on it i would be very interested in looking at the adapter that they used. I would love to copy it and make one foe me.
Marty in Vancouver Washington
Hello guys and Gals.
I have good news and bad news for you all as a group.
Bad News First. i just lost my lower left leg to the Dieabetes. its been a fight since december. and i am recoveing well in the VA rehab in Vancouver Wa. Old Stumpy is Healing well. Im out at end of May.
Good News. I will have to sell The BUSON GOAT. As i believe a Clutch will be out of mind for my future.
If anyone here wishes to discuss its new future let me know,
Thanks Folk.
Roger…Over and Out,
Was so long ago I didn’t even remember commenting on this.
Had to sell the old girl last year. And my 62 falcon and my 53 customline. Life sucks when you can’t drive a clutch…..
Hey guys. Guess what!! It’s now 302) but I did re home the Hudson to my driveway once again. I have been thinking about it for a while and then while I was cruising the marketplace on Facebook boom there it was so I contacted the person who had it. A young young kid. I gave him the deal of the century. I traded him a 68 stepside and a 327 block. In trade. This happened about six months ago and I forgot to come back and post it up life worse and mysterious ways and yes, I am doing better with my prosthetic leg and yes, I can drive a clutch. Yay.