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No Updates for a Few More Days

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Continued progress …

While much of the nation is getting hotter, our Pac Northwest weather is absolutely beautiful, with highs in the low 70s to high 80s over the next week. I’m making good progress on the Tour Jeep, so will focus on that rather than eWillys updates for the remainder of the week. Moreover, our internet has been dogged with slow download speeds all day; not sure why that is.

I had hoped to get to the brakes over the weekend, but instead of receiving a braking flaring kit, I was sent a refrigeration flaring kit. The difference is the refrigeration kit doesn’t include the parts to make double or bubble flares. So, I set that kit back and ordered another one. I hope to address the brakes Tuesday afternoon.

One thing I realized I didn’t have was a wiring schematic for an FC-170. I found a couple things online, but not what I was hoping to find. Then I remembered that back in 2013 I won a printed FC-170 schematic sign. So, that FC-Roundup door prize finally came in handy!


Once the wire weave arrives, I’ll be able to finally run the wiring. So, hopefully by later this week I’ll have most of the wiring in place.



3 Comments on “No Updates for a Few More Days

  1. Chadwick

    Where about are you in the Pacific Northwest? I’m in northern Idaho and man is this Willy’s country. The weather has been really nice but a bit chilly at night. Looks like it’s going to get hot later this week though. Good weather for working in the shop!

  2. David Eilers Post author

    Prosser, WA .. just west of the Tri Cities. I have a few friends (jeep and non jeep) in Northern Idaho, along with some family. I used to spend time in the summer in Hayden, CDA, and at Fighting Creek (family farm) near Worley. Yeah, it’s a beautiful area!

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