<– Day 14 – Fri. May 17th: Day 1 of the Midwest Willys Reunion | Trip Overview | Day 16 – Sun. May 19th: On the Road to Gettysburg –>
UPDATE: This year is the 10th anniversary of our 8-week, 2013-trip around the east coast. Up to that point, I didn’t really get how the impact this simple website had made. This weekend is the 10th anniversary being given the Toledo Brick award at the Willys Reunion. Here’s a throwback to that Saturday.
Today was another gorgeous, warm, sunny day here in Hudson. The day ended with an honor that caught me by surprise.

L-to-R: Bob Chrisy, Sebastian Logo-Guerrero, and Me.
Today was another gorgeous, warm, sunny day here in Hudson. More jeeps and people rolled in to make the day even better than yesterday. The most difficult thing about today was finding the time to talk with visitors looking at jeeps in the parking lot and having the time to see the presentations on the inside of the hotel. Here are a few photos of people I met:
In the end I only had a chance to attend MD Juan’s presentation, which was very interesting. They discussed the challenges the company has faced trying to perfect vintage Willys bodies so that they properly fit the different models (MB/GPW/2A/3A etc).
CEO Rommel Juan noted that the company’s increasing use of the jeep forums combined with access to original bodies has allowed them to tune the bodies and close in on the original specs.

R to L: Bob Christy with Rommel Juan, CEO of MD Juan, and one of his officer’s whose name I don’t have at the moment.
Following MD Juan’s presentation, I gave my presentation. I was in the dreaded 2:00pm slot where lunch has had time to settle and naps come-a-callin. The room was warm and dark. It was the perfect environment for sleeping that I remembered from my college days.
To help people ward off the Sandman, I tried to give a short presentation that explained my passion for jeeps and eWillys. I also covered upcoming projects I hope to complete in the future. The lack of snores from the audience indicated that people enjoyed my presentation. I believe Kaiser Willys will be publishing my presentation in the future (Thanks Jonah) and I’ll add that link when I get it.
After a good conversation and a stiff drink at the bar with Gerald (technically, it was Ann’s drink that was stiff — being the good husband, I volunteered to finish it for her, lol), we entered the banquet room and had some dinner.
Following dinner, Derek Redmond of the CJ-3B Page gave a humorous presentation of the CJ-3B that included a running gag about Elizabeth Taylor. His keynote was followed by door prizes and then the awards.
Liz Taylor on a CJ-2A also snuck into the presentation:
This slide shows a Pope mobile.
Following Derek’s presentation, the evening wasn’t over just yet. Apparently, some of the folks at the Willys Spring Reunion thought there were a few of us who were a brick shy of a full load. So, they trucked in five bricks left over from the Willys Overland Factory and handed them out. I was one of the lucky recipients of the brick award and I feel more complete already! along with the brick, I receive a unique gift of EWILLYS made from some bailing wire and piece of wood.
The award was given to people who the reunion committee folks felt had made a difference in the world of nutty jeep lovers. I guess I finally convinced them I was nutty enough to deserve a brick.
Truthfully, I couldn’t have earned this award without the dedication, support, information and corrections submitted by people all over the world. All of your help help makes my efforts possible!
Below are some additional pictures from Saturday in no particular order:
Saturday was a very rewarding and fun day!
On Sunday, we head for Gettysburg.
<– Day 14 – Fri. May 17th: Day 1 of the Midwest Willys Reunion | Trip Overview | Day 16 – Sun. May 19th: On the Road to Gettysburg –>
Congrats on being bricked! Looks like a great time being had by all.
any nice 3b’s for sale?
Dave glad to finally get to meet you & Ann. Hope you enjoy you barn board & bale’n wire.
That is fantastic news about the brick, Dave! You have earned it.
A well deserved brick!
There was a decent 1960 3b for sale. The guy lives near the reunion and if you e mail me, I’ll send you his info.
Congrats David, I can’t think of a more deserving guy!
Thanks all who attended, we had over 100 jeeps on hand and lots and lots of people!
I’ll post some photos tomorrow after my brain recovers.
Thanks everyone! And congrats to you Bob for a brick of your own! I too can’t think of a more deserving person.
We landed safely in Gettysburg tonight and will be holding out here for two nights.
Perseverance of your passion is leadership to so many of us Willys aficionados. I know after meeting you and reading your book that you are a very humble guy. You are the type that may have doubts that even champions possess that keeps them striving to do even better.
After the initial excitement of receiving it, you may stop to wonder why an every day guy like yourself would received a widely coveted brick. But after reading the supportive comments from those above and sentiments from others who don’t take the time to write a comment, we all know that you hold a special status among Willys owners who peruse the internet. You have earned an undefined status from your dedication and daily work to link all of us together, promoting enthusiasm and support for our Willys appetite.
That brick is a big thank you, Dave, from those who understand what you do, that so many of us cannot do. You earned a brick. Good work.
**Steve E.**
P.S., I hope you won the “Long Distance Award” in Ohio, too. (Even if it wasn’t a physical award.) I always appreciate the ones who drive the furthest to attend a meet of any kind. I don’t think I could ever make the 2,500 mile jaunt across the country like that, though I’d like to. Your article and photos make me want to do it next year, but it would be impossible for me.
Steve E. says it all…you deserve ANY and ALL recognition for all your hard work on our behalf.
All the best, be safe on the road!
Congratulations, David for a well deserved award. All the folks at the 3A page are happy for ya and say the bricks couldn’t have gone to a more deserving bunch than they did this year. There are quite a few congrats in a thread over there too to you and Bob W.
I am sorry I didn’t have the cash to make the trip but some important stuff at home is getting done instead. Spent the day today on the neighbors shed roof, got a bunch of mowing to do , and might even get some paperwork done if I am really lucky. Had work scheduled one more trip from Clinton to Garden City I would have been able to join you guys, looks like I missed a great time.