Maury let me know that scans of a 1969 Jeep family brochure (Form 69-12) was posted to page. There are three particularly interesting things to me about this brochure. Somehow, I never picked up a copy, so I found one on eBay.
1) The red CJ-5 shown with a couple “racing” it is a rare 462 model, perhaps it’s only appearance in a jeep-family-brochure;
2) the brochure doesn’t mentioned the model in the brochure; and
3) this jeep must have been part of a photo shoot (probably not really racing), because this brochure shows two photos of the same shoot and the 2018/2019 Dispatcher Magazine’s article on the 462 shows a third pic of the same jeep and couple.
Before the brochure, I’ll included the Dispatcher Magazine image:
Here is the full brochure as posted by Dave from the website: