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Brr … Winter Has Returned!

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Just few posts for this morning.  Given the arctic blast of cold air that descended from the north (it is a windy 18 degrees at the moment), I’ll be inside most of the afternoon and evening. So, I’ll do some more posts later today.

Before the cold weather arrived, it was warm enough yesterday for me to disassemble the fence and roof of the “chicken” shack, which was really a dove cage. But, I still call it the chicken shack. In its place will be a series of raised garden beds for now. Still much work to be done, as the propane tank and the water tank both need to be moved. We are keeping the fencing around the shack in place for the time being so the dogs don’t get out.

Here are some before and after photos:
Before-after-chicken-shack2 Before-after-chicken-shack

A few days ago we got the big willows in the back taken down and the stumps removed. It’s a mess, but am happy the trees are gone. The lean-tos will be disassembled at some point and, hopefully, replaced by a barn.






4 Comments on “Brr … Winter Has Returned!

  1. Lees Trees

    Sir ? Whats the deal with Willows ? I have a whole line of them on my creek . They seem to be the Red Willow variety ? All I know is they are DANGEROUS !! They have large broken branches hanging in them , widow makers , plus they grow sideways , upside down , in the creek , outside the creek . They always seem to grow near water ? I was going to trim and prune them but its a real mess . I did work for a Tree Service back in the 60’s so I have equiptment . I’m thinking that the broken pieces falling off deteriorate and feed the growing trees I need to reevaluate the whole issue . 3″ of frozen precipitation here on the 42nd Parallel . My Willys fleet has a frosting on them .

  2. David Eilers Post author


    Ours were in the same shape. I never want to stand under one during a windstorm. We had two large ones in our front yards pruned (they were a mess). The ones in the back just had to go. Between branches dropping and woodpeckers burrowing into them, and one of them having grown into a chunk of metal, it all had to go.

    – Dave

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