Updates continue to dribble out, so sorry about that.
We are still working steadily on the master bedroom. I am hoping to be finished with the trim by Saturday, but little things keep delaying us (ex: Ann got a flat tire two days ago, which caused me to use up half-a-day getting it changed and fixed). Once that is done, we can redo the TV/study room (which is currently our bedroom). I hope to get all of the phase one interior changes done by the end of Feb. Phase II will be the remodel of the master bathroom (this summer or fall?). Phase III will be a major remodel of the common rooms of the house, but that is probably a year+ away.
I am also busy documenting the various issues with my sister vis-a-vis mom’s estate in case my sister goes through with her recent threat to sue the estate. The crux of the issue is that my sister doesn’t believe the horses, which she inherits and which my parents bought and owned (and she rode, trained and cared for), have any value to the estate and that she should be gifted them free and clear of the estate distributions. Given my parents put six figures into the horses over two decades, and the fact they own them 100%, the horses do indeed have value to the estate and, thus, part of my sister’s inheritance should include some value placed on the horses. Since she knows this means she will get less cash from the estate, she believes this unfair and is very upset about it (even though the current plan is to give her the horses at half the market value to recognize her contribution to their value, but she refuses to have any conversation about this). Ugh!
We are still awaiting a date for Ann’s semi-emergency gallbladder surgery, but our local hospitals are very busy with COVID patients, so we aren’t sure when she can get in. At this pace, it will likely be an emergency procedure at some point!
Perhaps the best news of the year is that I have the shop heater running … oh boy, does it warm up the shop quickly!!!
Vernon asked about the heater. It is propane powered (we have a 1000 gallon tank). It is connected to a thermometer on the wall: :
I can surely identify. Handling an estate, especialy dealing with the relatives, is a difficult, thankless job. But turning on the heater and enjoying a warm workshop to some of us is a pleasure akin to others opening an aged scotch or bourbon! Kinda makes the rest of the nonsense go away for the moment. Thanks for your updates.
heres my update , i’m not doing nothing , was thinking of driving to big sur to pick up a mint honda 4×4 atv 4trax , i need it pull dead willys around the ranch , plow snow maybe — could also use it to explore the hidden cascade range of volcanos , they are rarely visited , in fact a ranger spotted a wolf there the other day ..
sir ? what kind of heater is it ? oil fired ? i had to rebuild my toyotomi lazer 73 oil heater here , it wouldnt run , had trouble codes on the control display , one code translated out to – no internal fan operation , i gutted it open and found roughly 300 yelllow jackets nested inside the fan box , they were blocking the rat-trap fan , they came through the outside air intake – i cleaned them out and did maintenance , its run perfectly all winter , a new unit is 2500 yen I mean dollars .. 630 yen , I mean dollars for kerosene , it hasnt even dented my 250 gallon oil tank yet , i’m probably good for next winter ? new ” at a glance ” krueger tank gauge also ..
Vernon .. I’ve added a pic of the heater. It is propane. I don’t have the BTU, etc, info on it.
I like the lights on top of your pegboards. They light up the high ceiling and seem like they would make the shop brighter.
…or were you just using them to work on your heater?
If your sister refuses to accept that the horses have value, tell her that you’ll sell the horses and the value will be split evenly between you. If she really loves those horses, or wants to keep a horse in the future and will be forced to buy one, her position will change immediately.
I was involved with one of these situations. Ultimately, the family all sat down with a mediator, who guided them to an agreeable solution.
Thanks for the update, Dave.
Hopefully Ann gets in to see the docs soon.
Death and money unfortunately seem to sometimes bring out the worst in us humans.
Sounds like you have a plan for your remodel. Onward!
Today, the probate courts want an arm’s length transaction for each and every item disposed. A fair market value is established and required to be collected. No longer are estate related transactions concluded with a wink and a nod.
Given that the horses have a substantial fair market value could mean that the probate court will be giving them and your mother’s will more than a cursory review. It is also possible that defending the estate from a lawsuit will reduce the net realized value of the estate and by extension reduce the net amount she receives from the estate. Everyone involved loses except the lawyers.
David, keep the lines of communication open with your sister. At all costs remain calm(From following your writings here I have concluded you are one of the calmest people I know). Your’s is not a glamorous or envious position but it is necessary to finalizing your mom’s estate. Good luck sir.