Steve spotted this photo that included a Ford GPW. This photo and its accompanying article was picked up and published in newspapers across the country. Carless Tuesdays was an attempt in 1942 by Peoria to save rubber by encouraging folks with odd-numbered license plates to live their vehicles at home on Tuesdays.
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“7.5 x 9.25 in fair condition with average wear and tear of handling.
PEORIA, ILL., NOV. 24–‘CAR-LESS TUESDAY’ GETS TRIAL–Peoria’s so-called “Car-Less Tuesday” doesn’t worry Arthur Locker (left), who uses his children’s shetland pony and cart to drive downtown today with G.A. Louthan (right). Derby hats and lap robe give pre-auto era atmosphere. Jeep proves contrast in rubber-saving traffic experience to see if workers can get to jobs with many cars “at rest.” ”
Here’s one example of the photo and article in the November 25, 1942, issue of the Decatur Herald out of Decatur, Illinois.
I was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois and I believe that I know the exact location of this photo. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look much different today! 🤦