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Chris’ Unusual 1960(?) Jeep Calendar Find

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Here’s the YouTube version. There’s background music that might offend the DCMA, so not sure if YouTube will keep the video live or not (They’ve taken down another video of mine for background music — music that happened to be playing in the car at that time of the video).

UPDATE: I’m not sure if this will work for everyone or not. I worked on my MacBook Pro and on my iPhone. I can upload to YouTube later today, which should make it more speedy to load (it takes a short time to load before playing.

Check out this unusual hanging and spinning jeep calendar that Chris found on Facebook. It’s not an easy calendar to read, nor is it all that practical, but it’s certainly a rare jeep item! Given it shows that January 1st fell on a Friday, this appears to be from 1960.

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

6 Comments on “Chris’ Unusual 1960(?) Jeep Calendar Find

  1. Joe in Mesa

    I can’t see anything… screen plays but is dominantly black. Can only make out “FV Flowplayer” in lower left.

  2. SE Pennsylvania Steve

    Someone during Happy Hour at a local bar must have come up that calendar idea. Bizarre.

  3. Will R.

    I think the salesman of the month got to wear it on his head, no doubt a real incentive to be the top salesman!!

  4. Will R.

    I think the salesman of the MONTH got to wear it on his head, no doubt a real incentive to be the top salesman !!

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