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British Airborne Jeeps: Modifications & Markings, 1942-1945

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Rob reports (see comments at bottom) that the latest edition of this book is available here:

I recently obtained from eBay a copy of the first version (which is my designation, to separate it from an expanded 2019 version of the same name) of Monica Baan and Rob Van Meel’s British Airborne Jeeps (3rd Printing, printed in 1998). It’s loaded with detail drawing and diagrams of the modifications made for the airborne jeeps. This first version is just under 50 pages. I’ll post a few example pages at the bottom of the post:


After I received the book, I did some more research and learned that in 2019 Rob updated the book with photographs and much more. Now the book is three-times as large, with 154 pages. The new version is available for purchase for £29.99:,%20Rob.


Either book would be useful for the person who wants to recreate a British Airborne Jeep. Here is a sneak peak at some pages from the booklet I have:



british-airborne-jeeps-18-lores british-airborne-jeeps-22-lores




5 Comments on “British Airborne Jeeps: Modifications & Markings, 1942-1945

  1. David Eilers Post author

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the update. I’ll update the post with the new link and bump it forward when I do the next round of updates.

    – Dave

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