This image capture shows the only flat fender that I saw while fast forwarding through the episode. Naturally, some folks blocked a clear view of it.
On March 11, 1978, an episode of Kojak aired that featured the Clark County Jeep Posse. No doubt some of you are wondering who Kojak is, but for those old enough to remember the detective series, this was the second to the last episode of the series (episode 21 of the 22 shows that year), as that show was cancelled in 1978. The show feels pretty dated in a variety of ways.
LIonel Hall, a son to one of the Jeep Posse members that appears in the episode, alerted me to the presence of the group in the show. By 1978, there weren’t a lot of jeeps left in the Posse, and only one vintage flat fender that I could spot, but it’s still pretty neat to see the jeeps appear in the episode.
The episode can be viewed, with commercial breaks, at Daily Motion, which for some reason has the show reversed (all the text is backwards and the drivers are all on the right side of the vehicles). the name of the episode is 60 Miles to Hell:
I’m assuming, that when this film was digitized, it was loaded backwards, reversed from the correct side up, which accounts for the error.
this show was so bad that dont rerun it ..
Netflix, Amazon Prime, and old-timey cable channels can never have enough content, so old shows seem to be shown somewhere. In this case, you can rent old videos of Kojak on Amazon Prime (Now, why a person would want to do that, I couldn’t say).