I picked up this tiny little jeep on eBay. It was made in France, most likely recently. I bought it because it seemed a perfect size for a Monopoly piece, a game my kids and I still play on occasion. Unfortunately, they’ve figured out some of my strategies for beating them, so I don’t win as often!
8 Comments on “My New “Monopoly” Jeep”
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Wow, lot’s of detail in that casting. Nice piece.
Thanks, it’s got a weight that’s similar to a standard Monopoly piece, too. It’s perfect for my needs. Now, I just have to NOT lose it during the move, as my jeep stuff and our games are already packed!
I’m looking for one of these, this same size, to surprise my Jeep loving husband to use with our Monopoly game. I’ve searched far and wide since seeing your pic. Any more info on yours that would help me find one identical? Thanks so much!
I will track down the seller on Tuesday and see if they have others. I will let you know,
– Dave
Hi Mandy,
Here’s the link to the seller from whom I bought it. The seller has several more available.
I hope this works out!
– Dave
Thanks Dave!
You’re the best! I just ordered one! My husband will be so surprised. Thank you so much. 
Trying to find monopoly Jeep token. Can you help?
Thank you.
Hi M Pierpont,
I don’t know of any other for sale. I bought this one on eBay.
Best of luck,
– Dave