Below you’ll find Press Release Photos #11 & #13. The seller did not have #12, so at this point I’m left to guess what #12 was. My best guess is that given #11 shows a half top and #13 shows no top, that #12 may have been an image that included some version of the full top.
Photo #11 shows the half or front top:
Possible Photo #12: These images were published in an article on the introduction of the jeep. The top photo is press photo #13, which adds weight to the bottom photo being #12:
The original photo caption for the bottom photo would likely have been identical to #11 and #13’s captions, except that the last sentence probably read, “Here it is shown with both tops up“.
Photo #13 shows the jeep without a top:
Press Photo #14? Finally, there’s this photo which shows the windshield down. It could easily have been Photo #14 as it was taken in the same location, but I have no evidence such a photo was included in the press kit.

If this was actually included in the press kit at photo #14, the caption for the photo would likely have been identical to #11 and #13’s captions, except that the last sentence probably read, “Here it is shown with the windshield down“.