WUPDATE: Still Available. I noted that this didn’t have a ’46 grille, but in fact it does. I those those were the full circle parking lights rather than the earlier self contained ones.
(05/22/2020) Needs a few things fixed. Drain holes look filled. has PTO.
“1946 jeep Willys with pto drive for welder or generator runs needs rad and wheel cylinders installed I do have the wheel cylinders all it needs is a rad And a little bit of TLC”
Email me if you still want to sell your jeep leafyhollow110@yahoo.com
Hi Carl,
It looks like the jeep is still available. To get your answers, you’ll need to contact the seller via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/925129564614873/ and you’ll need a Facebook account to do that.
– Dave
I like those old style fender mount turn signals.
I hate those fender mounted turn signals .
I am indifferent to those fender mounted turn signals
I’m transfender turn signals
Chuck, does that make it fender fluid?
More fat turn signals, I don’t know who to agree with, Mike, Terry, John or Chuck. I tend to not prefer them on the fenders, but these are the best style to use if needed. These appear to be metal with older style lenses and installed the correct direction with orange facing forward. I will have investigate what vintage they are. I seem to remember some being installed by dealers when snow plows were installed.
M<ark S
Yes, I agree, fat earlier style after market, period correct for the 1940's mostly seen on larger trucks ton and 1/2 up. As we went into the 1950's they got thinner and looked better, problem being, with thinner metal, rusted out at the mounts, resulting in a floppy turn signal. For some strange reason, this always happened on the drivers side fender. Not a problem for MY Dad, he just used some strap iron and screwed it to the fender of our 3A. Even as a kid in the 1960's I considered this "sinful".
Most auto parts stores in the 50's and the 60's had big display boards with different styles, some even lighted, very cool indeed. As usual when I asked the STANDARD question, how much do these cost? I would get the standard reply., "get lost Kid, you bother me", from the salesman behind the counter at Pep Boys in Passaic, NJ. Runger Auto Parts in Clifton, would just ignore me, that is until one day i had $12.00 in my hand and bought a set of flush mount Signal Stats for my dad's Jeep.
It was a Friday in November and we had the day off from school, I was installing the lights when the old lady next door, Mrs. Spring stuck head out the window, and Shouted to, Mickey, have you heard, the President has been shot. I didn't believe her, Mrs. Spring liked her beer, I thought she was drunk, that is until, Walter Cronkite confirmed it. and that's the way it was, November 22, 1963.
Teach me something here. What indicators is there that it doesn’t have a 46 grill ?
I’m thankful you pointed out my comment. What I will teach is that I sometimes make mistakes.
I thought this jeep had the parking lights of the later CJ-2A models, but in fact it does have early parking lights, which means it is the correct grille. Sorry for any confusion.
– Dave
i live about 20 miles from you. i would like to see it tomorrow how do we communicate
Ilive 20 miles from you,would like to see it tommorow
Hi Donald,
You’ll need to contact the seller via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/925129564614873/ and you will need a FB account to do that.
– Dave
It has the later CJ3A windshield for sure not the CJ2 type. Aren’t red lenses only supposed to be on the rear half of a vehicle?
@ David, yep, you’d be right, 🤣
Lol @ Chuck … it’s a whole new world!