UPDATE: **Status Unknown**
(12/19/2019) Various M-38A1 parts, include an M-38A1C body.
“I have 13 Willys M38-A1 Military Jeep frames and tubs from the 1950’s. They have been in a wooded field since the 1970’s so they are weathered and some are rusted. Some have fenders, leaf springs, steering wheels, etc and some don’t. No motors or transmissions but I do have various parts (see pics). I have 1 hood left, 1 window frame, multiple axles and other parts. Asking $500 per Jeep or potentially less depending on condition.”
Too bad they sat out for so long, must have been hidden from prying jeep hunter eyes. The one without a tailgate appears to be an M38A1-C, also shown is the correct windshield for it. That looks to be salvageable and will probably sell quickly, if price is reasonable.
In the pictures, the dash on the floor looks military, but not for a M38A1, not sure what it is. Is Shawnee, OK. near any military bases. I wonder if these were all bought surplus in one lot, or just accumulated over time.
Looks like Tinker Air Force Base and Fort Sill Army Base are close to Shawnee.
lol .. I missed that you answered your own question
Sometimes I ask a question, then realize I should just look it up, sometimes not.
Post deleted, the mystery continues!
I sold my last m38a1 to an oakland a’s pitcher , got free tickets and crackerjacks