Photo Credit: http://umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/tribune/photographs/display_photo.php?id=5001 … This is a 1945 photo from VE Day as the paper prepared for the special “extra” paper announcing the end of the war in Europe. Richard “Dick” Sanburn appears to be the follow standing int he back, slightly bent over without a jacket, fourth from the left. He would go on to become editor of the Calgary Herald.
An April 20, 1953, column by Dick Sanburn out of the Calgary Herald, from Calgary, Canada, shared the news that a new type of jeep, the Mighty Mite, had been introduced. This led Dick to reminisce about the capabilities and rough ride of the jeeps he experienced during WWII. I thought his take on the customization of jeeps by their drivers (or jockeys as he refers to them).
Dick Sanburn’s column “Take it From Here” was launched after the joined the Calgary Herald in 1951. It became a local landmark. According to his obituary, “People either loved it or hated it, but they were never neutral. And that was because Sanburn never pulled his punches.”
During his earlier years as a war correspondent, he was frequently under fire. By the end of the war he had been made a member of the Order of the British Empire. Dick passed away on October 1, 1982 (his obit is at the bottom of this post, along with two of his articles).
This August 13, 1943, article from the Edmonton Journal by Sanburn shares the news of 2,000 refugees stuck in a cave, awaiting the war to pass so they can go on about their lives.
From the Ottawa Citizen, November 2, 1943. While other articles by Sanburn discuss dodging bullets, this column tries to describe for readers the war’s more boring side.