UPDATE: Marty notes that this is called a “hubber”, a correction from “scubber”.
Barney from Barney’s Jeep Parts shared an image of this Easy Engage device. It’s called a “hubber” (no R) and it’s made of a durable plastic. It’s used to engage certain types of Warn hubs.
He added: “They were a dealership counter accessory on a cardboard display, but were not Kaiser or AMC Jeep. It works perfect if the hubs are properly lubricated or not in a “parking” bind. And, it won’t mar the metal as homemade ones can.”
R&P in Oregon city , Oregon had some that they made. They look pretty close to the same and they called theirs “The Hubber”
I have one in my collection somewhere
Marty, Thank you for the correct correction! I checked my business records as I have this accessory as part of my 71 CJ5 in our collection. It is a HUBBER. Don’t ask me where I got Scubber from but it wasn’t a new thought on this. The value of this forum is the teamwork. Thanks again!
Thanks Marty and Barney!