UPDATE: Below is a press photo of the ‘push-a-war’ photo in the original 2014 post on eBay
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“1943 Press Photo Camp Joe T. Robinson, football players push a jeep for training. This is an original press photo. A new use for the versatile jeep is shown here. The jeep is being substituted for a charging sled. Captain C.R. Goodwin, Special Projects Officer of the 66th Div. soon at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas, is getting a “ride” while directing the training of a gridiron team which is part of the camp’s athletic program. Photo measures 9 x 7.25 inches. Photo is dated 11-15-1943.
Original Post February 2014: I stumbled up a collection of photos from the Signal Corps Collection in Record Group #111, Still Picture Branch, National Archives at College Park, MD: http://www.history.army.mil/photos/WWII/Preps/WW2-Prep.htm
This photo seems to show the opposite of a tug-a-war. It’s a push-a-war!

THE CAPTION FROM THE SITE READS: Training. Football Training in the Army. A new use for the versatile jeep, as it’s being substituted for a charging sled. Capt. C. R. Goodwin, Special Projects Officer of the 66th Division at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark., is getting a “ride” while directing the training of a gridiron team which is part of the camp’s athletic program. (Nov 43)
Here’s a photo of a Jeep Assembly line in England:

England. Jeep Assembly Line from which a completely assembled jeep can be produced every three minutes. Assembly Depot 0-640, Tidworth, Wilts, England. (8 Sep 43) Signal Corps Photo: ETO-HQ-43-6606 (Lt. Ray)