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Barney’s Jeep Parts

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Here’s a shoutout to Barney for the Kaiser Willys Newspaper seen at top.

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19 Comments on “Barney’s Jeep Parts

  1. Holy Toledo


  2. Tom in Paris

    My experience with Barney has been great. I’ve purchased several things, such as a new cylinder head for an M-38, and some original tail lights for a CJ-5. Very good prices and experience.

  3. Bob

    Barney is great and sells quality parts. I got my cowl gasket from him and it was very high quality.

  4. Kevin Banonis

    I got a NOS fuel pump for my 1964 Gladiator from Barney for a VERY reasonable price. Also had the pleasure of talking to him at length on the phone at the same time. Great guy.

  5. Frank Hense

    Barney has been a geat resource for a newbie. I am restoring a 1973CJ5 and have had a terriffic amount of help and the needed parts for a resonable price.

  6. Floyd Thomas

    I’m looking for a Set of Hood hinges for a 1953-59 Willy’s M38A1 or M38. Single or two piece.
    Anyone have a complete set or know where to have fabricated.

  7. Kurt in Renton

    I picked up the heater control cables for my 73CJ from Barney.
    Perfect fit and great quality.

  8. James Wescott

    I’m restoring the heater box on my 76 CJ5 and am looking for a heater core as well as a hose’s required to move air around. Hop you have what I need. Jim.

  9. Thomas Polyniak

    Do you know of anyone who rebuilds Jeep speedometers. My original one stopped working a few years ago and since then I have had to replace it twice with after market speedometer units. They don’t hold up well it has broken again. I have the original unit and would like to rebuild it and use it again. My Jeep is a 1973 CJ5 with the AMC 304 cu in engine and a three speed transmission.

  10. David Eilers Post author

    Hi Thomas,

    I don’t know anyone who only rebuild jeep speedometers, but there are some folks who restore vintage vehicle speedometers. Google “restoration vintage speedometers” and you’ll see some of them.

    I hope that helps,

    – Dave

  11. JohnB

    Thomas, Dave

    About speedomters…
    The one on my M38A1 Had a cracked lens (actually a case…think of a clear jar or can over the innards).
    I asked John at Midwest Military and he referred me to a shop in Oregon.
    They fitted a new lens/case.
    Don’t know if they do intricate repair work, but you could always ask John for a reference.

  12. Francisco Rodríguez

    I’m looking for a black soft top (whitco) for my Jeep 1971 cj5 just like the one on the foto.

  13. Barney Goodwin

    Francisco – Whitco has been out of business for almost 30 years . If you monitor ebay and register a search on the site, you can be notified when an NOS one is listed. They can often command $2500.00 or so. You may be better to get a Bestop Tiger top. The top in our photo was an NOS one we received from an old dealership in 2006. Good luck on your search. You can contact one of the big box companies for a Bestop as we do not sell them except locally.

  14. JohnB

    When I restored my CJ-5, Bestop said it was their last Levis Blue unit.
    That was in 1998!

    I see restored Jeeps with nice tops in blue or tan, I have no idea where they get them.

  15. Barney Goodwin

    JohnB – Some people are having them custom made like you would any classic convertible. We get calls occasionally like Francisco’s above and, if they’re not wanting to go the Bestop route, I recommend they find a quality classic car upholsterer (sp?) in their area. In most cases the customer still has the original bows and hardware. Sometimes people forget, vintage Jeeps are classic cars. And to do it right $$$ has to be invested.

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