Very early this morning we headed to Minnesota to pick up a new puppy. We won’t be stopping or sightseeing, as we can’t linger away from Ann’s mom for too long. I’ll have time to do updates, but my email/comment response time will lag.
8 Comments on “Quick Trip to Minnesota ….”
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Well at least the weather is supposed to be balmy this weekend. Low 50’s.
Dogs and Jeeps, mans best friends!
Make sure you post pics of the new puppy.
Does he have a name yet? I’m going to throw out “Hurricane” for consideration…
Dave: It’s 73 degrees east of Billings … crazy warm! We had to turn on the air conditioning! I appreciate you turning up the heat for our all-too-quick quick visit
Craig … working on the name still. If it’s a boy it will be named Wilfert (named for our neighbors and could be called ‘willy’ for short). If it is a girl, as we have the choice of that, I don’t know. We need to see their personalities before deciding.
Minnesota –> ” THE LAND OF 10,000 LAKES ” — and 9,999 rusted out willys overland vehicles — Wisconsin has cheese — it gets better with age , no rust just mold ..
No good dogs out west? Must be something special.
Dave- Ann could only find Sheranians (Shi Tzu / Pomeranian mix) in the midwest and east. Our other option was to go to Kentucky or Missouri. Minnesota was closer. Ann doesn’t ask for a lot, and she deserved a break from her mother (who can be a PITA), so I said, let’s go. We do love a good road trip. Was nice to finally have some winter and some snow, too!