UPDATE: Barry explores this topic (future of the jeep) more on his Farmjeep site: https://www.farmjeep.com/2020/01/14/who-would-want-a-jeep-predictions-from-1943-and-1944/
This article on the future of the jeep was published in The Daily Illini on February 14, 1943.
I wrote a post about this article and your earlier post http://www.ewillys.com/2020/01/03/1944-opinion-piece-a-future-for-the-jeep/ (you can see it here -https://www.farmjeep.com/2020/01/14/who-would-want-a-jeep-predictions-from-1943-and-1944/). I then a post on the local Jeep club Facebook page, pointing out Roos comment about no one wanting a 4 wheel drive gas hog with big tires.
I got 2 responses. Just not a lot of interest in history with the current crop of Jeep owners.
Barry, don’t forget that lots of people read, but few actually post/respond. I still have readers who’ve been following eWillys for years and have never posted a comment. It’s not until I’m out meeting these folks that I hear how much they enjoy the information that’s posted. So, don’t let a lack of responses slow your research and efforts down!
David is right on that! I love these history posts and find them fascinating! Sure appreciate your research Barry and David! I can’t add any info as you guys know way more than I ever will, and I don’t tend to post unless I can add useful info. Keep up the great work! It really is cool and appreciated! The internet has brought positives and negatives, and on the positive side sites like eWillys, farmjeep,CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B, early CJ5 really enable all this info to be shared and enjoyed with early jeep nuts …like me!
Dave, all the new jeep owners that read these articles are then extensively pondering this new information that has never been presented to them before. That’s why they don’t post/respond.
I agree with Brian and Dave on all points, and find it interesting that Willys and others were planning post-war strategies in 1943. Obviously prior to D-Day in France and victory in the Pacific theater. Many people, my grandparents included, couldn’t buy a new car or build a home, until materials were available after 1945. Thanks for the interesting posts.