Here’s a series of jeep photos from the Portal To Texas History website. There are many, many more:
This is my favorite of the bunch: An M-38A1 with a Schooner-like soft top:

CREDIT: Man standing in uniform next to jeep advertising the Sheraton Terrace Motor Hotel, 1201 S Congress Ave.
Some interesting mods on this jeep.

CREDIT: .. Photograph of Capt. John M. McAfoos, T/5 Paul Severino, and two unidentified soldiers sitting in a Jeep somewhere in France. Buildings are visible in the background.
This photo is dated 1945, but it’s clearly a 1950s photo based on the grille.

CREDIT: .. Photograph of a group of men looking at a Jeep in a field. Trees and buildings are visible in the background. … there is a second photo in this series that better shows the plaque on the side of the truck’s cowl.
One of the few CJ-2A images in the collection.

CREDIT: .. Photograph of a man in a jeep in a ranch yard. A small wooden structure and a gated wooden fence are behind him. The photographer’s shadow is visible against the front wheel of the vehicle.
The only Ford GP I’ve run across in the photo collection.

CREDIT: .. Photograph of five soldiers, including Alphonse DeSanto, Charles Kozak, Andrew Horn, and Robert French, standing around another soldier seated in a Jeep. Buildings are visible in the background.
Interesting reading on the various sites about the Sharaton Terrace Motor Hotel (1st photo). CJ5 c.1958, High end hotel/cabin campus in Austin TX frequented by the stars. Sounds like they had more than one of these Jeeps that the bellhops would shuttle or lead customers to the various cabins or facilities. Article says “FOLLOW ME” sign was on the back so the guests could follow him to their cabin. Be interesting to know what is on the emblem immediately below the JEEP lettering. I’ve seen it before, but don’t remember it. Perhaps dealership decal. Wonder who got them when it closed in the 70s. Had to be low miles, light duty. And folks … we are not going to debate whether it’s a K-line or Whitco top. I can assure you it’s neither! Gig’em Aggies!
About the WW2 Jeep: Interesting. It appears they have installed some type of makeshift doors that you can see through. I’ll-fitting. The driver side one is open. Front wheel mud guards not uncommon. And with soldiers sitting on the windshield frame, stuff piled against it, now you know why they lean back so far when you find them. M1 carbine on the hood.