As I may have mentioned, I’m in Renton for the next week at my mom’s place while she’s away. As part of rearranging the garage, I’ve finally pulled Biscuit out of his corner. My goal is to have him running by February, in part because my mom plans on moving!
11 Comments on “Time for a Biscuit”
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Hi Dave you just brought back memories from when my parents sold their place a decade or so ago. I had been storing a couple of vehicles in what was surplus space after my Dad closed his business to retire. One was a 5Ton 1938 Walter 4×4 truck, and a variety of Jeep parts. The place sold quickly leaving little time to find new space. Then there was the scramble to sell equipment and materials from his business. More time would have been good but in a way it worked out and got something done that should have been addressed before that. Anyways good luck and Lost Biscuit will ride again, Cheers!
Dave, know the feeling, 10 years ago this month, sold the NJ house and had a closing scheduled the day before Thanksgiving. 60 years accumulation of stuff to go through, need to find new place to buy, move 7 vehicles and equipment, and less than 3 months to do it. Some how, it got done. Many friends offered to help, but when it came down to deadlines, I ended up doing it all by myself. Just pace yourself, one day at a time, and it can be done.
Thanks guys. That’s exactly why I’m starting early. It’s likely the property won’t sell until the Spring, which is why I believe NOW is the time to be 1) organizing (what to sell, what to keep), 2) packing, and 3) getting Biscuit together.
So happy to hear that Biscuit is getting love again. I’ve always considered him the inspiration (patriarch?) for eWillys… like the standard-bearer :-). It’ll be great having 2 running, driving Willys’ flat fenders again. Best of luck with all the other sorting and arranging involved.
Good luck, I had to empty my Mom’s house (of 70+ years, she’s 95) this past year, when she moved in with my sister…It sold quicker than we thought it would, so starting early was critical…BTW, how did ‘Biscuit’ get his name ? (forgive me if this is a rerun)…
It’s been a while since I shared the history behind the name.
Back in the late 00s, my oldest son was using an xBox online name called FoundedBiscuit (a randomly generated name). To be like his big brother, my youngest son decided to use the name LostBiscuit as his xBox handle. I liked the name, so thought it was a great name for the jeep I was built. “Lost Biscuit” worked for me because (1) it incorporated the boy’s interest, (2) it included food (cooking and food is most definitely a passion of mine), and (3) I liked the use of ‘Lost’, since I liked the idea of getting lost in the woods.
Are you going to keep the Desert Dogs?
I could trade parts or $
Yep, I’m keeping the dogs
Dave, I just happen to know where you can get a bobcat hood for biscuit.
We are tentatively looking at being down there during the third weekend in September (20-22). Still finalizing. I will confirm in the next few days. Thanks for your patience!
– Dave
No worries, take your time. It’s not in my way.
(Although I am supposed to be at a conference that weekend)