UPDATE: Tuesday night I finally resolved my email issue that plagued since Monday night, but I lost some emails in the process. If you sent an email on Monday night or Tuesday and didn’t received one in return, email again or email me at d @ deilers.com (with no spaces around the @). Thanks!
4 Comments on “Email de-clogged”
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I feel so bad right now…
I had $10,000 for you however it was part of a time sensitive email….;(
Dave did you get my email about the widow of the WW2 officer who’s husband just recently passed away? Her kids are liquidating the estate and found a 1942 GP stored in a sea train behind the barn. The wife said he put it in there in 1946. Think they were asking 200 dollars.
Looks like I missed all the good email guys!
hahaha — snooze ya lose