Bernd alerted me to this rebuilt CJ-7 Bierzahl raffle in Frastanz, Austria. The contest is only open through September 16th, 2018.
Here’s the contest overview roughly translated into English:
“The iconic Jeep from the 80s can soon be yours! With the support of Fahrzeugtechnik Lerch a team of members and elograph, this hammer price was disassembled with much passion and rebuilt. In the stylish Bierzahl! Design, with improved technology and appropriate party equipment. Take the JEEP CJ-7 home right after the raffle.
Enjoy s’klenne or citrus cyclists from frastanzer, collect crown cork codes and enter them under With a bit of luck, you’ll win one of the countless beer prizes or one of the coveted 200 Golden Tickets for the final draw on September 16 in Frastanz.
The Bierzahl! Prize draw starts on 15 June 2018 and ends at the final draw on 16 September as part of the Bockbierfest
Among the 200 Golden Ticket owners present, the winner will be under notarial supervision. The winner then leads the big parade through Frastanz.”
I wonder if the Jeep comes with a wench. They don’t look old enough to be Worn.