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Some WWII History

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

John shared this information. Y.P. Tom, pictured below, sounds like he had an interesting life story. Tex Hill is also pictured below.

This is a photo of Mary Tom O’Neil’s dad, circa 1942. He passed away in 1999. She lives in the Atlanta area. I had a great day with them and some other TWA people in the ’90s at Rheinbeck Airdrome, NY. Great WW2 stories!! The note and book page are self explanatory.

yp-tom3 yp-tom2 yp-tom1


3 Comments on “Some WWII History

  1. Desert Jim

    I will have to locate and read this book. After living and working in Taiwan for 4 years now, I have a lot of respect for the people here. I will miss this Island as I leave September 1st and finally go home for 45 days.

  2. David Eilers Post author

    Jim, I know you’ve been over there a lot. Glad to hear it has been a good experience!

  3. Mom

    That is pretty profound. Communism has seen the death of more people than any other government. You have to admire those that escape and survive.

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