Our Uruguayan bureau (Hugo Cicalese) filed this report. Thanks for the update!
I have not looked at you page recently because I was enjoying holidays and driving my CJ-3A. I spent a complete month in the East! In”the East” is where the ocean beaches are located. I took a couple photos while out driving his jeep. The only problem he encountered was a temporally stuck valve seal. Once the engine heated up, it loosened and worked fine.
Wondering around with the Jeep was fantastic! Very nice weather (not very hot or rainy, it happens sometimes). The day I came back I got some rain in the road, nothing to bother with a bikini top.
Next day looking at the news, I read that only 60 km east of me in Punta del Este there was a huge storm (summer storm with lots of rain) and I found this picture in the newspaper. Funny isn’t it?
It is a street full of water, and during the storm the MB could not make it (obviously problem of the driver!!!). Notice in the background there’s a new jeep waiting.
One day while on vacation I visited Piriapolis. I spotted several low hood Jeeps in amazingly very good shape. Around 5. Several CJ5 but these are easier to find. I only had my shorts, no camera or cell!!”
Maybe one day you can visit us in Brazil and we can visit you down your way.
Bob in nc
Thanks Hugo
EWillys is truly international… very cool!
Yes we should make the first Willys reunion!!! Brazil and Uruguay is only one heart (except in football, sorry I mean soccer). My CJ has several brazilian parts!
Everybody is welcome and can get my contact with Dave.
Uruguay Bureau sounds great!!!