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Dan Horenburger’s Passing

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

2014-04-12-dan-daveDan Horenburger and I in front of his Streamline FC Motorhome, April 12, 2014.

On November 10th, Dan Horenburger passed away. Many of you know him for his unique Forward Control collection, which he showed off at the military FC show this past September, and some who got to know him, knew him for his warm smile and friendly disposition.

Dan and my paths crossed in multiple ways, from Wisconsin and carousels, to Wurlitzers and jeeps. He kept tabs on our travels and often shared advice on what we should see. He once explained how he’d cut his teeth on trading and hustling by reselling items from the Saddleblanket company in El Paso, which made that a must-stop place for us to visit. When we visited his LA place in 2014, he was generous with his time, sharing his various passions. He’ll most certainly be missed.

I’m told Craig Brockhaus and Jesse Ybarra are assembling a more complete remembrance of Dan that they will publish soon. Until then, here’s a short obituary of him:



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