Anyone know of a Farnsworth Middlekauff Generator for sale? They were made at least from the late ’40s into the mid 1950s. I have a potential buyer who wants to put one into service. eMail me if you do and I’ll explain more.
Also, anyone seen any creative setups for running other PTO generators in a CJ-3A or CJ-3B jeep?
This is an example of a Farnsworth MIddlekauft:
Cool, it has a radial arms saw on it.
The woodshop where I work had two of those saws that they were using up until a couple of years ago.Very heavy duty indeed!
Doug: Any idea what happened to them?
In case anyone is wondering about the saw, I have had one for some years and did quite a bit of research on them before I sought one out. Great radial arm saw. 110/220, up to 5hp, 12″ and 16″ are the usual blade sizes if memory serves. They are not however unique to, or associated with, any Jeep product. Just happen to be one of the best ever made and can still be found commonly on CL, etc. I have more info should anyone want.
I should have been more clear in my comment.The saws were the same design and make as seen in the jeep above,except they were on a large base stationary mounted in a shop with large table on either side of the blade.They were 16″.As Lew said they were not unique to Jeeps.
Sadly as often happens,the one saw was taken apart to fix the other,and at some point they were deemed unrepairable (not by me)and a newer model was brought in to replace.I think that at least one of the saws was scrapped,not sure if the other was scrapped or sold at auction.
Doug .. my bad for assuming you meant the generator :-). You can see where my focus is.
Speaking of radial arms saws, I’ve not used the one above, but my father still has a Craftsman from the 1960s that I still use. He built a lot of cabinets with it.
No problem Dave, its o.k. to be Jeep focused,thats what drives your awesome site!Thanks as allways!