This modded GPW was on Facebook a few days ago.
“Here is a very unique 44 gpw , the body was made from two dodge pickup cabs , everything else is all original , it still has its data tags , this runs drives and stops, with a little work this could be a cool show vehicle or you could restore it back to original,5500$ obo ,”
Solves the problem of choosing a Power Wagon or a Jeep to own.
That is pretty cool!!
Colin took the words right out of my mouth !!! Awesome looking buggy
I immediately thought of a micro powerwagon when I saw this. A lot of effort went into this a long time ago. You’d be the only one on your block to have one of these.
This is incredible. I’m actually torn between hoping it gets restored (to the power-wagon-jeep it was made into) and wanting a mere rust-oration done, keeping this beautiful hard-earned patina. I truly hope we hear more about this from whomever buys it. Seems like a good price, too
I think it would be cool to have a collection of stuff like this.