UPDATE: Guy found a Youtube of Stevie Coyle’s Stairway to Gilligan:
Original post: Ann and I and her son Daniel joined my aunt and her beau for the 2016 Moisture Festival in Ballard (northern Seattle). The vaudeville celebration is always fun. Among the magic, juggling, comedy, and acrobatic acts my favorite was Stevie Coyle, a guy from San Francisco who played Stairway to Heaven on an acoustic guitar, but managed to sing the lyrics to Gilligan’s Island at the same time (A little research on Google showed this combination was first done by Little Roger & the Goosebumps in the 70s, but Coyle’s is far better). It was an unforgettable comic blend that worked surprisingly well!
So, no updates Today. Meanwhile, today we will be tiptoeing through Mt. Vernon’s tulip festival. This will make my wife very happy
But Dave, this IS an update… it just lacked jeeps or other Willys’ vehicles (and I looked deep into the Beatles mural before saying that). Sounds like another cool adventure
Heres a link to the Stevie Coyle Stairway to Gilligans Island Heaven
Guy, that’s it! I’ve added it to the post.
That was fun. Thanks Guy! Oh yes, and David too.