Lew blames me for his newest CJ-2A 🙂
Lew wrote, In the past couple years that I have been watching eWillys I have bought two Willys that were shown here … But this latest was completely your fault. I didnt need a CJ2A. But after watching them for that time on your site, I contracted the disease that I thought was isolated to the wagons, and maybe trucks. So now for at least a year I have looking pretty hard for one for my wife, except she didnt know it and I wasnt sure she would go for it anyway.
At a museum a few months ago I showed her an old MB and asked what she thought. To my amazement she said she thought it was cute and would be fun to drive. That from a woman who has driven pretty much pick ups her whole life thus far. Well a couple weeks ago one showed up in a nearby state that fit our needs and at a negotiated price I could justify. I went and got it and she has been driving it around our farm until it gets registered.
These are checking out the fall colors here in N. UT. We both really enjoy this. Should never have sold our MB ten years ago, and the wagon lacks the topless views, so due to your efforts, we now have this and big smiles.
So, I just wanted to let you know it is your fault that my wife and I now have another Willys and the smiles that come with it.
what a wonderful letter!!!
That’s cool. Nice looking 2a
Nice looking jeep, and it’s definitely a plus when the wife likes it too. And Dave, I guess I’d have to say your website steered me towards buying a jeep too.
That one’s a keeper, Lew. And the Jeep’s nice too.
Sorry to hear of Lew’s Disease, unfortunately there is no cure for it, but buying more Jeeps may help ease the symptoms!
Wondering if someone could tell me if Lew’s Jeep is painted Luzon Red. I’m in the process of rehabbing original wheels and want to paint them to the original color. It’s not clear to me if my ’48 2a is Luzon, Harvest Red, or something else that may not be an color used on 2a’s. Thanks. Gary
Hi Gary. Luzon red body w/ Universal beige wheels.