It’s disassembled.
“Vintage Meyer steel hard top and hard doors for a AMC Jeep or Willys CJ-5. Top is 100% complete with all doors (side and rear) with hinges, all glass, window regulators, etc. Currently disassembled for paint. Unit is RUST free! Went a different direction with my Jeep.
Also have a NOS windshield frame for $150 and a Jeep T18 4 speed transmission with a Dana 20 transfer case and bell housing for $500. ”
I would like to ask to Ewillys reader if they know the difference between the one piece roof and the three piece roof for a CJ-6? I own actually both. It look to me that the top with the three piece roof will fit either a CJ-5 or a CJ-6. Is it possible that the one piece roof was factory/dealer installed?
I own a lot of brochures and book about Meyer and i don’t find those two different roof.
Look like early cab had a three pieces roof and later cab M-III had one piece roof. I don’t understand why they stopped doing the three pieces. It was looking more convenient for shipping and had two purpose CJ-5/6.
Not to mention the leaks at the seam of the roof, drip, drip, drip. Caulking was used in assembly and dried out in short time. Customer complaints hastened the demise of the sectioned roof.
That wasn’t a problem . . . It was a feature
I have one of these that I picked up second hand. There is a “rounded L” looking piece that is about 1″ wide about 1/8″ thick and about 6″ long with mounting holes in it. I can not figure out where it goes. Can you provide any help with this.
Here are directions to one type of Meyer hard top. I don’t know if it will help or not:
– Dave
Some instruction here;
Charles, I’ll tell you exactly what it is; A “filler piece” that mounts on the body over the gas tank filler cap along the door line to form a tight seal. I also bought a used one but was able to take off the complete top off a parts Jeep.