This is a mix of parts.
“This Willys is a true survivor. The id number is a MB number, but is considered a 1947 by the DMV. The tub is a MB. The driver side has been smoothed over with bondo at some point, but the ribs for the tools can be seen on the inside. The window is post war as well as the M38 grille. The jeep will need to be seen. It needs tlc for sure but is a driver.
I have the window rubber, just no glass.
The engine is what I can best figure is a 1953 F-Head Hurricane engine. It has the generator, but is wound to a 12v system. It has Model A tail lights. It comes with a complete Willys-Overland Arctic Cover or hard top. They fit MB’s as well as M38’s.
The tires are too big, so I pulled off the rear, but the front still cause it to rumble a bit. When it sells I will be taking off the rear wheels and putting back on the big ones. You will need to put new rubber on unless you don’t mind the rumble and wobble they cause. ”
The mounts for the front seats look to be dangerously flexible and I’d not want to bet my life on them staying in place during an accident.
I agree Paul. Even a sharp turn would possibly cause that seat frame to tweak or worse
Come now, no one ever gets into an accident in an old jeep these days? Right? (fyi: watch for tomorrow’s top post).
I like the big rumble wheels better anyway. Good observation about those poorly-rigged seats.
Still a good looking, interesting vehicle