By survivor I think the seller means this jeep is on life support. It’s pretty beat up.
“A super rare survivor this is one of only 160 Tuxedo park CJ-6 built in 1966. She has the dauntless BUICK V-6 powerplant with 3 speed floor shift. This thing absolutely ROCKS !.
She has an original Positrac rear diff. and WARN locking front hubs.
The 6′ plow works great and I have been using this beast of a Jeep for over 20 years during winter months at -30 and she starts and runs when most cars won’t
Research of the VIN has found this to be the rarest CJ-6 Jeep ever built and is truly a great survivor. Only 490 CJ-6 TUXEDO PARK models were ever built through all the years of production 1964-1967. Only160 of these were built in 1966. I call this a HOLY GRAIL vehicle because it is truly a rare Jeep.
Even though this Super Jeep runs great and has been used yearly this uber rare Jeep is in need of restoration.”
Ouch! It has some potential but it was very used and beat up. Poor jeep.
This one would be a great candidat for me but wife said NO….
Someone needs to jack that thing up and put a JEEP under it…
Interesting tactic including SUPER JEEP and UBER in the description to get more search hits…
Wow. I believe it’s 459 total production. Also ’67 was the rare year at only 20 being built. Seller claims to have used this jeep for over 20 years, why didn’t they take care of it? Look at that rear shot, it’s so rotted out and the passenger side leaf pack has been replaced. Looks like it’s running off that outboard motor fuel tank between the seats. What a shame, ran right into the ground. Pascal my friend, I’m with your wife on this one but bless you for seeing the potential…
Poor jeep. This one will have plenty of surprises
Yea this one looks like the one I bought in the dark!!! should have returned to the grave! lol
Don’t ever buy a jeep in the dark. I made the same mistake a while ago with a cj5 in Wisconsin. I took some items off of it to keep and sold the Jeep again. At least i got my money back
I didn’t Chris! I gave it away! lol. There’s only a few things I do in the dark now
Wow! I though it would be like 800$… It’s too pricy at 3500$.
Not much Tux left.
He needs to pay someone to take It! lol
I bought a DJ-6 at 900$ and it was in better shape then this one. I should think to resell it and advertise it as super super rare, more than a CJ 6 Tux.
Now my wife is making fun of me…
The frame on this one will give Superman a headache!! Maybe Alaska Paul will build you a new body!
The first photo is appropriate with the cross in the back ground just forward of the windscreen.
The top, doors and the body tub wouldn’t be that difficult to fabricate from stainless steel if a person had a decent shop and could afford the cost of numerous sheets of metal but I wonder if the seller would be willing to throw in the metal shed (to the left of the Jeep in the first picture) with the purchase of this poor Jeep. They seem to be a matched pair.
I didn’t notice the shed or the cross! lol To busy dissecting the jeep ! Your new project Paul. The only stainless CJ-6 Tuxs in existence with a V-6.
Roy, as soon as I finish my Willys rebuild I’ll begin fabricating a stainless steel M100 military trailer. When I complete the trailer my next project is the restoration of a 100+ year old railroad pump handcar. My progress on projects is so slow I expect to be dead for 10 years before I finish all the projects I have ahead of me right now.
Paul I have the wheel set off an Ore cart. There yours if you want them. I was just kidding you about the CJ-6. All though I think it’s not a bad idea. The only Tuxs with a stainless body.
Roy … those ore cart wheels sound great but the cost of getting them shipped to Alaska makes my wallet hurt. I lucked out when I located my railroad handcar here in Anchorage, it was originally used on the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad (CR&NW but often called the Can’t Run and Never Will railroad) which stopped operation in 1938.
That’s okay. They can sit in my storage shed until Dave makes a run to Alaska
or I do. As far as your projects go. I’ve have always look forward until tomorrow in the past. It doesn’t matter if they get done. You have plans, and goals, that what counts. And you have the shop, knowledge, and experience to get it done. (And most important I think you love what you do) I have very good friend who is a machinist. Build the worlds best VW blocks from scratch. Love every minute of it. Precision Alloy ltd. Took him 20 plus years to get there. Sells them all over world. That’s his retirement plan! lol