This 1943 photo from the Denver Public Library’s digital collection shows that these elementary school children were busy. They helped purchase 4 jeeps! There are several other photos from the same event.
Because kids love jeeps and jeeps love kids! What a cool pic!
I love the kids sitting on the fenders, hood and standing up while the jeep is moving. The good old days, when were told “it stop bleeding in a few hours ” which was quickly followed up by ” you better stop crying or I give you some to really cry about” dam the emergency room !
Can’t get away with that any more -, but at least the little kids in front would be low enough for the jeep to pass clean over them after they fell off , so they did put some thought it this…. Now we just need more beer
sorry can’t stop laughing
I agree. When it comes to how kids are treated today verses then, times have changed.